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§ 50-123. Discharge of member--Board of review--Grounds--Appeals

Oklahoma Statutes AnnotatedTitle 11. Cities and Towns

Oklahoma Statutes Annotated
Title 11. Cities and Towns (Refs & Annos)
Chapter 1. Municipal Code (Refs & Annos)
Retirement and Pensions
Article L. Police Pension and Retirement System (Refs & Annos)
Part 1. Municipal Police Pension and Retirement System (Refs & Annos)
11 Okl.St.Ann. § 50-123
§ 50-123. Discharge of member--Board of review--Grounds--Appeals
A. The governing body of every participating municipality, except municipalities which have provided for a civil service board of review or merit board, or have negotiated a contract covering discharge with their members to hear such appeals, shall establish a board of review to hear appeals concerning the discharge of members. The board of review shall consist of the mayor, ex officio, who shall be a voting member, and four members to be appointed by the governing body of the participating municipality, as follows:
1. Two police officers retired or active from the police department of the municipality; and
2. One attorney and one licensed physician residing in the municipality.
Whenever persons meeting the qualifications of this subsection are unavailable for appointments, the mayor shall in lieu thereof make the appointments from the governing body of the municipality, except that neither the Chief of Police nor any person having direct appointive authority for police personnel shall be eligible for appointment to said board. Appointive members of the board shall serve at the pleasure of the appointing official.
B. No member may be discharged except for cause. Any member who is discharged may appeal to the board of review herein provided. Appeals from decisions of said board of review may be taken in the manner provided for in this article, provided the provisions of this section relating to the board of review and discharge shall not apply to any municipality which has heretofore or hereinafter established by its charter civil service or merit system pertaining to the appointment and discharge of members and an independent board or commission having authority to hear actions involving the discharge of members.


Laws 1977, c. 256, § 50-123, eff. July 1, 1978; Laws 1980, c. 356, § 29, eff. Jan. 1, 1981.
11 Okl. St. Ann. § 50-123, OK ST T. 11 § 50-123
Current with legislation of the Second Regular Session of the 59th Legislature (2024). Some sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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