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§ 31. Osage County--Taxation

Oklahoma Statutes AnnotatedConstitution of the State of Oklahoma [Annotated]

Oklahoma Statutes Annotated
Constitution of the State of Oklahoma [Annotated] (Refs & Annos)
OK Const. Sched. § 31
§ 31. Osage County--Taxation
The assessment of property in the Osage Indian Reservation for the year nineteen hundred and seven, by the authorities of Pawnee County, shall be the assessment of Osage County for the year nineteen hundred and seven, and the proper authorities of Pawnee County shall levy a tax on the property of the Osage Indian Reservation for the year nineteen hundred and seven, as now provided by law, and immediately upon the admission of the State into the Union, the county treasurer of Pawnee County shall turn over to the county treasurer of Osage County the tax books and records of taxes in the Osage Indian Reservation, so made for the year nineteen hundred and seven, and the treasurer of Osage County shall proceed and have the authority to receive all such taxes in the Osage Indian Reservation for the year nineteen hundred and seven, and such taxes shall be collected and enforced in the manner provided by law. And there shall also be collected, in addition to the tax so levied by the authorities of Pawnee County, a county school tax of ten mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation, and the same shall be and become the property of said Osage County: Provided, That out of the funds so collected, the county treasurer of Osage County shall pay to the county treasurer of Pawnee County the cost and expenses of making such assessment and the levying of such taxes.
OK Const. Sched. § 31, OK CONST Sched. § 31
Current with amendments approved through June 30, 2020.
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