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Rule 4. Review by Chief Justice

Oklahoma Statutes AnnotatedTitle 5. Attorneys and State BarEffective: June 19, 2023

Oklahoma Statutes Annotated
Title 5. Attorneys and State Bar
Chapter 1.--Appendix 4-a. Rules Governing Complaints on Judicial Misconduct
Effective: June 19, 2023
T. 5, Ch. 1, App. 4-A, Rule 4
Rule 4. Review by Chief Justice
a. Purpose. When findings are sent to the Chief Justice by the Council on Judicial Complaints, the Chief Justice will review the findings for further action before determining whether to set the matter to be heard by the Supreme Court in conference.
b. Inquiry. The Chief Justice may conduct an inquiry including, but not limited to, requesting the judge, former judge, or judicial candidate in question file a written response to the findings or communicating orally or in writing with the complainant, the judge, former judge, or judicial candidate and any others who may have knowledge of the matter. The Chief Justice also has the authority to review any transcripts or other relevant documents.
c. Corrective Action. The proceeding will be concluded if the Chief Justice determines that appropriate action has been taken to remedy the problem raised by the complainant or that action on the Council's findings is no longer necessary because of intervening events. At the Chief Justice's discretion, he or she may also return the matter to the Council on Judicial Complaints for further investigation or refer to the Trial Division of the Court on the Judiciary for removal, disqualification from holding future judicial office, and/or compulsory retirement.
d. Disciplinary Action. If the proceeding is not dismissed and the problem has not been remedied, the Chief Justice shall take the following action: forward the Council's findings to the other members of the Supreme Court. The judge, former judge, or judicial candidate who is the subject of the proceeding is then allowed 10 days to file a written response to the findings with the members of the Supreme Court. The Vice Chief Justice may appoint an additional panel member, if needed, from the state judiciary. After considering the findings and response, the Court may then choose to impose any combination of appropriate discipline to include a private reprimand, mandatory education paid for by the judge or judicial candidate, mandatory mentorship, suspension with or without pay, public reprimand, or censure. The Supreme Court may also refer the matter to the Trial Division of the Court on the Judiciary for removal, disqualification from holding future judicial office, and/or compulsory retirement.
e. Dismissal. Proceedings will be dismissed if a majority of the Court concludes that the Council's findings are not appropriate for consideration.
f. Notice of Action. The Chief Justice shall notify the complainant, judge, former judge, or judicial candidate and the Council on Judicial Complaints when the matter has been addressed within 90 days of receiving the findings.
g. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice thereof from applying the provisions of Rule 4 to a judge who retires, a judge whose term expires due to an unsuccessful election, or a non-incumbent candidate who loses election during the pendency of the Council's investigation or these proceedings.


Adopted effective October 26, 2006. Amended effective June 19, 2023.
Complaints on Judicial Misconduct, Rule 4, 5 O. S. A. Ch. 1, App. 4-A, OK ST COMPLAINTS J MISC Rule 4
Current with amendments received through June 1, 2024. Some rules may be more current, see credits for details.
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