Chapter 5. Dependent and Delinquent Children
- § 101. Repealed by Laws 1968, C. 282, § 502, eff. Jan. 13, 1969
- § 114.5. Repealed by Laws 1968, C. 282, § 502, eff. Jan. 13, 1969
- § 114.6. Rehabilitation of Juvenile Offenders Through Court Supervised Work Projects
- County Probation Officers (§ 115 to § 116g)
- Case Histories and Reports [Repealed] (§ 121.1 to § 121.3)
- County Juvenile Officers [Repealed] (§ 126.1 to § 126.9)
- Counties of 37,500 or over [Repealed] (§ 127.1 to § 127.13)
- Detention Homes for Juveniles [Repealed] (§ 130.1 to § 130.9)