Title 57. Prisons and Reformatories
- 57 OK ST T. Refs & Annos
- Chapter 1. General Provisions (§ 1 to § 38.3)
- Chapter 2. County Jails (§ 41 to § 69)
- Chapter 3. Removal of Prisoners to Penal Institutions (§ 91 to § 97)
- Chapter 4. Penal Institutions (§ 101 to § 228)
- Chapter 5. State Penitentiary [Repealed] (§ 231 to § 277e)
- Chapter 6. State Reformatory [Repealed] (§ 281 to § 324)
- Chapter 7. Pardons and Paroles (§ 331 to § 365A)
- Chapter 7. Appendix. Rules of the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board [Superseded]
- Chapter 7A. Mentally Ill Inmates (§ 400)
- Chapter 8. Corrections Act of 1967 (§ 501 to § 568)
- Chapter 8A. Oklahoma Prison Overcrowding Emergency Powers Act (§ 570 to § 576)
- Chapter 8B. Sex Offenders Registration Act (§ 581 to § 590.2)
- Chapter 8C. Mary Rippy Violent Crime Offenders Registration Act (§ 591 to § 599.1)
- Chapter 9. Interstate Corrections Compact (§ 601 to § 602)
- Chapter 9A. Treatment and Probation Facilities (§ 610 to § 629)
- Chapter 10. County Safety Investment Fund [Renumbered] (§ 631 to § 633)
- Chapter 11. Orange Alert Communication System (§ 701)