8/2/17 N.Y. St. Reg. Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds


8/2/17 N.Y. St. Reg. Notice of Availability of State and Federal Funds
August 02, 2017
Division of Housing and Community Renewal Hampton Plaza 38-40 State St. Albany, NY 12207
Low-Income Housing Credit Program
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) announces the availability of tax credit under the Low-Income Housing Credit Program (LIHC), administered by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), which is authorized under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Unified Funding (UF) 2017 site-specific multi-family project applications (Capital Applications) seeking funding under the LIHC Program is expected to be available on or about August 15, 2017.
UF 2017 Capital Applications will be submitted using the Community Development Online (CDOL) Application System, located on HCR’s website at: http://www.nyshcr.org/Apps/CDOnline/
Printable instructions for the UF 2017 CDOL application and screen shots of the UF 2017 CDOL application exhibits will be available on the HCR Website at: http://www.nyshcr.org/Funding/UnifiedFundingMaterials/2017/
There are three UF 2017 application deadlines. The first deadline will be for Early Award Projects (EA), which meet criteria set forth in the RFP and are described, in part, below. The second deadline will be for Early Round Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Projects which meet criteria that will be set forth in the RFP and are described, in part, below. The third deadline will be for all other Capital Applications described in the upcoming RFP.
Applications for EA Projects must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Applications for Early Round EESHI Projects must be completed and submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. All other UF 2017 Capital Applications must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 5, 2017.
A $3,000 application fee is required for each LIHC Capital Application with the following exception: not-for-profit applicants (or their wholly-owned subsidiaries) which will be sole general partner of the partnership/project owner or sole managing member of the limited liability company/project owner may request a deferral of payment until the time of credit allocation.
DHCR expects to have approximately $28 million available for LIHC reservations.
A. General Information
HCR seeks to encourage high quality, high readiness projects that advance specific Early Award New York State Housing Goals by providing an accelerated application and review process as part of UF 2017. In addition to meeting the general application requirements described in the upcoming RFP, EA applications must satisfy additional conditions and requirements not required of UF 2017 applications generally, including an earlier application submission deadline and a mandatory pre-application conference with HCR staff.
Applications satisfying the conditions and requirements for early round funding awards will be provided an accelerated review and will be rated and ranked compared only to other EA applications that advance the same policy goal, subject to the other funding considerations described in the UF 2017 RFP. In the event an application does not receive an early round funding award, the application may be considered for an award pursuant to later funding round decisions.
In addition to satisfying the conditions and requirements generally applicable to all UF 2017 applications, EA applicants must also:
1. Submit a complete application by 5:00 PM, October 5, 2017 or by 5:00 PM, November 7, 2017 for Early Round ESSHI Projects;
2. Demonstrate the project will be able to proceed to construction within 120 calendar days of award, or within 180 days of award, if located in the City of New York. In evaluating a project’s readiness to proceed to construction, HCR will consider development team past performance in the delivery of units on time and on-budget in addition to project-specific indicators such as status of local approvals, complexity of the proposed transaction, including whether a project must comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, and status of financing commitments; and,
3. Provide documentation demonstrating the application proposes a project which clearly advances at least one Early Award State Housing Goal described below in Section B. Applications that advance more than one housing goal will be given preference.
B. Early Award State Housing Goals
To be eligible, EA applications must clearly advance at least one of the following Early Award State Housing Goals:
1. Revitalization and Economic Development Goals
a. Priority Projects Identified in Regional Economic Development Plans
These applications will propose affordable housing projects that have been specifically endorsed in a Regional Economic Development Council Strategic Plan and for which significant financial assistance has been made available as part of such a plan.
b. Downtown Revitalization Initiative Projects
These applications will propose projects that clearly advance the objectives of an approved Downtown Revitalization Initiative Strategic Investment Plan. Projects for which significant financial assistance has been made available as part of such a plan will be prioritized.
c. Upstate Revitalization Initiative Projects
These applications will propose projects specifically identified in an Upstate Revitalization Initiative Plan for which at least a portion of project units will be affordable to low and/or moderate income households and for which significant financial assistance has been made available pursuant to such a Plan.
d. Mixed-Income/Mixed-Use Revitalization
These applications will propose mixed-income projects in mixed-use neighborhoods involving:
• the use/adaptive reuse of existing underutilized buildings;
• infill new construction; and/or,
• the demolition/replacement of buildings with a blighting impact on a community, for which rehabilitation is impracticable.
Applications must clearly demonstrate the project is part of a neighborhood-specific revitalization effort developed with significant community and local government involvement.
Applications must clearly demonstrate community support for the proposed project, as evidenced by commitment of local resources and local actions that have, or will, be taken in support of the project. To be considered mixed-income, applications must target at least 15% of the project units for households at incomes above federal LIHC limits.
Preference under this State housing goal will be given to applications that:
• demonstrate site control of land acquired through Land Banks, established pursuant to
Article 16 of the NYS Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, in neighborhoods that have experienced a high incidence of abandoned, “zombie” properties;
• propose a retail/community service component that will address an unmet community need identified in a neighborhood-specific revitalization plan;
• propose a project resulting in the cleanup/redevelopment of property that has been determined to be eligible to participate in the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). To be eligible for this preference, applications must propose a financing plan fully utilizing all BCP tax credits generated from the cleanup/redevelopment of the property;
• propose a project that is part of a neighborhood-specific revitalization plan that also includes the development of new affordable homeownership units and/or the rehabilitation of existing owner-occupied housing; and/or,
• propose a comprehensive workforce development plan for the recruitment, training and hiring of low-income residents, from the neighborhoods surrounding the proposed project, for the construction of the project. The proposed plan must be based on demonstrated, successful best practices with specific hiring targets that exceed any targets for which the project would otherwise be subject to as a condition of receiving federal or State funding.
2. Supportive Housing Goals
a. Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Projects
These applications will propose Supportive Housing Projects that have received Conditional Award Notifications through the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative Inter-agency Service and Operating Opportunity RFP and for which at least 50% of the project’s total units will serve an eligible target population.
b. New York/New York III Projects
Applicants must demonstrate they have secured a commitment of NY/NY III service and operating subsidy for at least 50% of the project’s total units.
c. NYS Office of Mental Health Capital Projects
These applications must propose projects that have received a commitment from the NYS Office of Mental Health for capital and operating subsidy to support at least 50% of the project’s total units.
3. Workforce Opportunity Goals
a. Housing Opportunity Projects (HOP)
These applications will propose workforce family housing in areas experiencing economic growth that are served by high performing schools. Projects must be located in areas that have stable/growing tax bases, and must be in close proximity to public transportation, child care and employment opportunities. Proposed projects must include a significant percentage of two, three, or more than three, bedroom units. Applications that clearly advance this goal may be eligible for a 130% LIHC basis boost, based on a DHCR designation, as authorized by the federal Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
b. Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
These applications will propose workforce housing projects in close proximity to Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) rail stations outside the City of New York, or within a quarter-mile walk of an MTA subway station within the City of New York; or, which are in communities that have completed and are implementing TOD plans clearly linking the proposed project to expanded transportation choices for tenants; or, which are in close proximity to multi-modal transportation centers contributing to the development of vibrant, mixed-use, high-density neighborhoods through the adaptive reuse of non-residential buildings or through infill development.
4. Affordable Housing Preservation Goals
a. Rural Preservation Projects
These applications must propose the rehabilitation of projects currently receiving Rural Rental Assistance Program (RRAP) funds. Applications must propose a scope of work extending the expected useful life of the project by no less than 20 years and which satisfies heightened energy efficiency standards specified by HCR in the UF 2017 RFP. Successful applications must demonstrate the rehabilitation will be undertaken as part of a financing plan that will result in ongoing reductions of RRAP funding, and that at least 90% of the proposed total development costs will be directly related to physical improvements that will extend the useful life and improve the habitability and energy efficiency of the project. The only source of funding that may be requested under this goal is Community Investment Fund (CIF). Requests are limited to $2 million in CIF funds, and $40,000 per unit, and must satisfy all CIF program requirements described in the UF 2017 RFP.
b. Public Housing Redevelopment Projects
These applications must propose the gut rehabilitation and/or demolition and replacement of substandard public housing located outside the City of New York.
c. DHCR/HTFC Portfolio Preservation Projects
These applications will propose the rehabilitation of projects currently regulated by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal and/or the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation that have significant unmet physical needs which cannot be addressed solely through the use of existing project reserves and for which the mismanagement of the property is not a significant contributing factor. Applications must propose a scope of work extending the expected useful life of the project by no less than 20 years and which satisfies heightened energy efficiency standards specified by HCR in the UF 2017 RFP. Successful applications must demonstrate that at least 90% of proposed total development costs will be directly related to physical improvements that will extend the useful life and improve the habitability and energy efficiency of the project. The only source of funding that may be requested under this goal is the Multifamily Preservation Program (MPP). Requests are limited to $2 million in MPP funds, and $50,000 per unit, and must satisfy any additional MPP requirements described in the UF 2017 RFP.
UF 2017 Capital Application Workshops will include a presentation and discussion of project application requirements and the UF process. UF 2017 Capital Application Workshops will be conducted at the following times and locations:
ROCHESTER: Thursday, September 7, 2017, at 10:00 AM Rochester City Council Chambers City Hall – Room 302 30 Church St. Rochester, NY
ALBANY: Friday, September 8, 2017, at 10:00 AM Hampton Plaza Ballroom 38-40 State Street Albany, NY
NEW YORK CITY: Monday, September 11, 2017, at 10:00 AM 5th Floor Hearing Room 25 Beaver Street New York, NY
Housing Trust Fund Corporation Hampton Plaza 38-40 State St. Albany, NY 12207
Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Program, New York State HOME Program, Community Investment Fund Program, Supportive Housing Opportunity Program, Homes for Working Families Program, Public Housing Preservation Program, Multifamily Preservation Program, Middle Income Housing Program
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) announces the availability of Low-Income Housing Trust Fund Program (HTF), New York State HOME Program (NYS HOME), Community Investment Fund Program (CIF), Supportive Housing Opportunity Program (SHOP), Homes for Working Families Program (HWF), Public Housing Preservation Program (PHP), Multifamily Preservation Program (MPP) and Middle Income Housing Program (MIHP). A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Unified Funding (UF) 2017 site-specific multi-family project applications (Capital Applications) seeking funding under these programs is expected to be available on August 15, 2017.
NYS HOME Program applicants are advised this NOFA is applicable to site-specific capital projects only. Funding for NYS HOME Local Program Administrator applications is offered under a separate NOFA.
UF 2017 Capital Applications will be submitted using the Community Development Online (CDOL) Application System, located on HCR’s website at: http://www.nyshcr.org/Apps/CDOnline/
Printable instructions for the UF 2017 CDOL application and screen shots of the UF 2017 CDOL application exhibits will be available on the HCR Website at: http://www.nyshcr.org/Funding/UnifiedFundingMaterials/2017/
There are three UF 2017 application deadlines. The first deadline will be for Early Award Projects (EA), which meet criteria set forth in the RFP and are described, in part, below. The second deadline will be for Early Round Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Projects which meet criteria that will be set forth in the RFP and are described, in part, below. The third deadline will be for all other Capital Applications described in the upcoming RFP.
Applications for EA Projects must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Applications for Early Round ESSHI Projects must be completed and submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. All other UF 2017 Capital Applications must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 5, 2017.
Approximately $65.2 million in HTF funds; $7 million in NYS HOME funds; $44.9 million in CIF funds; $35 million in SHOP funds; $4 million in HWF funds; $10 million in PHP funds; $15 million in MPP Funds; and, $16 million in MIHP funds are available, subject to availability of appropriations. A minimum of 15% of NYS HOME funds must be reserved for Community Housing Development Organization projects. In addition, a minimum of 80% of these funds must be allocated to projects located in non-participating jurisdictions.
Approximately 100 Project-Based Section 8 Vouchers will be available for UF 2017 Capital Applications. Such applications will be considered within overall review of project funding requests. Applications requesting only Section 8 assistance will not be considered.
A. General Information
HCR seeks to encourage high quality, high readiness projects that advance specific Early Award New York State Housing Goals by providing an accelerated application and review process as part of UF 2017. In addition to meeting the general application requirements described in the upcoming RFP, EA applications must satisfy additional conditions and requirements not required of UF 2017 applications generally, including an earlier application submission deadline and a mandatory pre-application conference with HCR staff.
Applications satisfying the conditions and requirements for early round funding awards will be provided an accelerated review and will be rated and ranked compared only to other EA applications that advance the same policy goal, subject to the other funding considerations described in the UF 2017 RFP. In the event an application does not receive an early round funding award, the application may be considered for an award pursuant to later funding round decisions.
In addition to satisfying the conditions and requirements generally applicable to all UF 2017 applications, EA applicants must also:
1. Submit a complete application by 5:00 PM, October 5, 2017 or by 5:00 PM, November 7, 2017 for Early Round ESSHI Projects;
2. Demonstrate the project will be able to proceed to construction within 120 calendar days of award, or within 180 days of award, if located in the City of New York. In evaluating a project’s readiness to proceed to construction, HCR will consider development team past performance in the delivery of units on time and on-budget in addition to project-specific indicators such as status of local approvals, complexity of the proposed transaction, including whether a project must comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, and status of financing commitments; and,
3. Provide documentation demonstrating the application proposes a project which clearly advances at least one Early Award State Housing Goal described below in Section B. Applications that advance more than one housing goal will be given preference.
B. Early Award State Housing Goals
To be eligible, EA applications must clearly advance at least one of the following Early Award State Housing Goals:
1. Revitalization and Economic Development Goals
a. Priority Projects Identified in Regional Economic Development Plans
These applications will propose affordable housing projects that have been specifically endorsed in a Regional Economic Development Council Strategic Plan and for which significant financial assistance has been made available as part of such a plan.
b. Downtown Revitalization Initiative Projects
These applications will propose projects that clearly advance the objectives of an approved Downtown Revitalization Initiative Strategic Investment Plan. Projects for which significant financial assistance has been made available as part of such a plan will be prioritized.
c. Upstate Revitalization Initiative Projects
These applications will propose projects specifically identified in an Upstate Revitalization Initiative Plan for which at least a portion of project units will be affordable to low and/or moderate income households and for which significant financial assistance has been made available pursuant to such a plan.
d. Mixed-Income/Mixed-Use Revitalization
These applications will propose mixed-income projects in mixed-use neighborhoods involving:
• the use/adaptive reuse of existing underutilized buildings;
• infill new construction; and/or,
• the demolition/replacement of buildings with a blighting impact on a community, for which rehabilitation is impracticable.
Applications must clearly demonstrate the project is part of a neighborhood-specific revitalization effort developed with significant community and local government involvement. Applications must clearly demonstrate community support for the proposed project, as evidenced by commitment of local resources and local actions that have, or will, be taken in support of the project. To be considered mixed-income, applications must target at least 15% of the project units for households at incomes above federal LIHC limits.
Preference under this State housing goal will be given to applications that:
• demonstrate site control of land acquired through Land Banks, established pursuant to Article 16 of NYS Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, in neighborhoods that have experienced a high incidence of abandoned, “zombie” properties;
• propose a retail/community service component that will address an unmet community need identified in a neighborhood-specific revitalization plan;
• propose a project resulting in the cleanup/redevelopment of property that has been determined to be eligible to participate in the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). To be eligible for this preference, applications must propose a financing plan fully utilizing all BCP tax credits generated from the cleanup/redevelopment of the property;
• propose a project that is part of a neighborhood-specific revitalization plan that also includes the development of new affordable homeownership units and/or the rehabilitation of existing owner-occupied housing; and/or,
• propose a comprehensive workforce development plan for the recruitment, training and hiring of low-income residents, from the neighborhoods surrounding the proposed project, for the construction of the project. The proposed plan must be based on demonstrated, successful best practices with specific hiring targets that exceed any targets or goals for which the project would otherwise be subject to as a condition of receiving federal or State funding.
2. Supportive Housing Goals
a. Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Projects
These applications will propose Supportive Housing Projects that have received Conditional Award Notifications through the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative Inter-Agency Service and Operating Opportunity RFP and for which at least 50% of the project’s total units will serve an eligible target population.
b. New York/New York III Projects
Applicants must demonstrate they have secured a commitment of NY/NY III service and operating subsidy for at least 50% of the project’s total units.
c. NYS Office of Mental Health Capital Projects
These applications must propose projects that have received a commitment from the NYS Office of Mental Health for capital and operating subsidy to support at least 50% of the project’s total units.
3. Workforce Opportunity Goals
a. Housing Opportunity Projects (HOP)
These applications will propose workforce family housing in areas experiencing economic growth that are served by high performing schools. Projects must be located in areas that have stable/growing tax bases, and must be in close proximity to public transportation, child care and employment opportunities. Proposed projects must include a significant percentage of two, three, or more than three, bedroom units. Applications that clearly advance this goal may be eligible for a 130% LIHC basis boost, based on a DHCR designation, as authorized by the federal Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
b. Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
These applications will propose workforce housing projects in close proximity to Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) rail stations outside the City of New York, or within a quarter-mile walk of an MTA subway station within the City of New York; or, which are in communities that have completed and are implementing TOD plans clearly linking the proposed project to expanded transportation choices for tenants; or, which are in close proximity to multi-modal transportation centers contributing to the development of vibrant, mixed-use, high-density neighborhoods through the adaptive reuse of non-residential buildings or through infill development.
4. Affordable Housing Preservation Goals
a. Rural Preservation Projects
These applications propose the rehabilitation of projects currently receiving Rural Rental Assistance Program (RRAP) funds. Applications must propose a scope of work extending the expected useful life of the project by no less than 20 years and which satisfies heightened energy efficiency standards specified by HCR in the UF 2017 RFP. Successful applications must demonstrate the rehabilitation will be undertaken as part of a financing plan that will result in ongoing reductions of RRAP funding, and that at least 90% of proposed total development costs will be directly related to physical improvements that will extend the useful life and improve the habitability and energy efficiency of the project. The only source of funding that may be requested under this goal is CIF. Requests are limited to $2 million in CIF funds, and $40,000 per unit, and must satisfy all CIF program requirements described in the UF 2017 RFP.
b. Public Housing Redevelopment Projects
These applications must propose the gut rehabilitation and/or demolition and replacement of substandard public housing located outside the City of New York.
c. DHCR/HTFC Portfolio Preservation Projects
These applications will propose the rehabilitation of projects currently regulated by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal and/or the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation that have significant unmet physical needs which cannot be addressed solely through the use of existing project reserves and for which the mismanagement of the property is not a significant contributing factor. Applications must propose a scope of work extending the expected useful life of the project by no less than 20 years and which satisfies heightened energy efficiency standards specified by HCR in the UF 2017 RFP. Successful applications must demonstrate that at least 90% of proposed total development costs will be directly related to physical improvements that will extend the useful life and improve the habitability and energy efficiency of the project. The only source of funding that may be requested under this goal is the Multifamily Preservation Program (MPP). Requests are limited to $2 million in MPP funds, and $50,000 per unit, and must satisfy any additional MPP requirements described in the UF 2017 RFP.
UF 2017 Capital Application Workshops will include a presentation and discussion of project application requirements and the UF process. UF 2017 Capital Application Workshops will be conducted at the following times and locations:
ROCHESTER: Thursday, September 7, 2017, at 10:00 AM Rochester City Council Chambers City Hall – Room 302 30 Church St. Rochester, NY
ALBANY: Friday, September 8, 2017, at 10:00 AM Hampton Plaza Ballroom 38-40 State Street Albany, NY
NEW YORK CITY: Monday, September 11, 2017, at 10:00 AM 5th Floor Hearing Room 25 Beaver Street New York, NY
Division of Housing and Community Renewal Hampton Plaza 38-40 State St. Albany, NY 12207
New York State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program
New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) announces the availability of tax credit under the New York State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program (SLIHC), administered by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR), which is authorized under Article 2-A of the Public Housing Law.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) for Unified Funding (UF) 2017 site-specific multi-family project applications (Capital Applications) seeking funding under the SLIHC Program is expected to be available on or about August 15, 2017.
UF 2017 Capital Applications will be submitted using the Community Development Online (CDOL) Application System, located on HCR’s website at: http://www.nyshcr.org/Apps/CDOnline/
Printable instructions for the UF 2017 CDOL application and screen shots of the UF 2017 CDOL application exhibits will be available on the HCR Website at: http://www.nyshcr.org/Funding/UnifiedFundingMaterials/2017/
There are three UF 2017 application deadlines. The first deadline will be for Early Award Projects (EA), which meet criteria set forth in the RFP and are described, in part, below. The second deadline will be for Early Round Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Projects which meet criteria that will be set forth in the RFP and are described, in part, below. The third deadline will be for all other Capital Applications described in the upcoming RFP.
Applications for EA Projects must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 5, 2017. Applications for Early Round ESSHI Projects must be completed and submitted no later than 5:00 PM on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. All other UF 2017 Capital Applications must be completed and submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 5, 2017.
A $3,000 application fee is required for each SLIHC Capital Application with the following exception: not-for-profit applicants (or their wholly-owned subsidiaries) which will be sole general partner of the partnership/project owner or sole managing member of the limited liability company/project owner may request a deferral of payment until the time of credit allocation.
DHCR expects to have approximately $4 million available for SLIHC reservations.
A. General Information
HCR seeks to encourage high quality, high readiness projects that advance specific Early Award New York State Housing Goals by providing an accelerated application and review process as part of UF 2017. In addition to meeting the general application requirements described in the upcoming RFP, EA applications must satisfy additional conditions and requirements not required of UF 2017 applications generally, including an earlier application submission deadline and a mandatory pre-application conference with HCR staff.
Applications satisfying the conditions and requirements for early round funding awards will be provided an accelerated review and will be rated and ranked compared only to other EA applications that advance the same policy goal, subject to the other funding considerations described in the UF 2017 RFP. In the event an application does not receive an early round funding award, the application may be considered for an award pursuant to later funding round decisions.
In addition to satisfying the conditions and requirements generally applicable to all UF 2017 applications, EA applicants must also:
1. Submit a complete application by 5:00 PM, October 5, 2017 or by 5:00 PM, November 7, 2017 for Early Round ESSHI Projects;
2. Demonstrate the project will be able to proceed to construction within 120 calendar days of award, or within 180 days of award, if located in the City of New York. In evaluating a project’s readiness to proceed to construction, HCR will consider development team past performance in the delivery of units on time and on-budget in addition to project-specific indicators such as status of local approvals, complexity of the proposed transaction, including whether a project must comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, and status of financing commitments; and,
3. Provide documentation demonstrating the application proposes a project which clearly advances at least one Early Award State Housing Goal described below in Section B. Applications that advance more than one housing goal will be given preference.
B. Early Award State Housing Goals
To be eligible, EA applications must clearly advance at least one of the following Early Award State Housing Goals:
1. Revitalization and Economic Development Goals
a. Priority Projects Identified in Regional Economic Development Plans
These applications will propose affordable housing projects that have been specifically endorsed in a Regional Economic Development Council Strategic Plan and for which significant financial assistance has been made available as part of such a plan.
b. Downtown Revitalization Initiative Projects
These applications will propose projects that clearly advance the objectives of an approved Downtown Revitalization Initiative Strategic Investment Plan. Projects for which significant financial assistance has been made available as part of such a plan will be prioritized.
c. Upstate Revitalization Initiative Projects
These applications will propose projects specifically identified in an Upstate Revitalization Initiative Plan for which at least a portion of project units will be affordable to low and/or moderate income households and for which significant financial assistance has been made available pursuant to such a plan.
d. Mixed-Income/Mixed-Use Revitalization
These applications will propose mixed-income projects in mixed-use neighborhoods involving:
• the use/adaptive reuse of existing underutilized buildings;
• infill new construction; and/or,
• the demolition/replacement of buildings with a blighting impact on a community, for which rehabilitation is impracticable.
Applications must clearly demonstrate the project is part of a neighborhood-specific revitalization effort developed with significant community and local government involvement.
Applications must clearly demonstrate community support for the proposed project, as evidenced by commitment of local resources and local actions that have, or will, be taken in support of the project. To be considered mixed-income, applications must target at least 15% of the project units for households at incomes above federal LIHC limits.
Preference under this State housing goal will be given to applications that:
• demonstrate site control of land acquired through Land Banks, established pursuant to Article 16 of the NYS Not-for-Profit Corporation Law, in neighborhoods that have experienced a high incidence of abandoned, “zombie” properties;
• propose a retail/community service component that will address an unmet community need identified in a neighborhood-specific revitalization plan;
• propose a project resulting in the cleanup/redevelopment of property that has been determined to be eligible to participate in the NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). To be eligible for this preference, applications must propose a financing plan fully utilizing all BCP tax credits generated from the cleanup/redevelopment of the property;
• propose a project that is part of a neighborhood-specific revitalization plan that also includes the development of new affordable homeownership units and/or the rehabilitation of existing owner-occupied housing; and/or,
• propose a comprehensive workforce development plan for the recruitment, training and hiring of low-income residents, from the neighborhoods surrounding the proposed project, for the construction of the project. The proposed plan must be based on demonstrated, successful best practices with specific hiring targets that exceed any targets for which the project would otherwise be subject to as a condition of receiving federal or State funding.
2. Supportive Housing Goals
a. Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) Projects
These applications will propose Supportive Housing Projects that have received Conditional Award Notifications through the Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative Inter-agency Service and Operating Opportunity RFP and for which at least 50% of the project’s total units will serve an eligible target population.
b. New York/New York III Projects
Applicants must demonstrate they have secured a commitment of NY/NY III service and operating subsidy for at least 50% of the project’s total units.
c. NYS Office of Mental Health Capital Projects
These applications must propose projects that have received a commitment from the NYS Office of Mental Health for capital and operating subsidy to support at least 50% of the project’s total units.
3. Workforce Opportunity Goals
a. Housing Opportunity Projects (HOP)
These applications will propose workforce family housing in areas experiencing economic growth that are served by high performing schools. Projects must be located in areas that have stable/growing tax bases, and must be in close proximity to public transportation, child care and employment opportunities. Proposed projects must include a significant percentage of two, three, or more than three, bedroom units. Applications that clearly advance this goal may be eligible for a 130% SLIHC basis boost, based on a DHCR designation, as authorized by the federal Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008.
b. Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
These applications will propose workforce housing projects in close proximity to Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) rail stations outside the City of New York, or within a quarter-mile walk of an MTA subway station within the City of New York; or, which are in communities that have completed and are implementing TOD plans clearly linking the proposed project to expanded transportation choices for tenants; or, which are in close proximity to multi-modal transportation centers contributing to the development of vibrant, mixed-use, high-density neighborhoods through the adaptive reuse of non-residential buildings or through infill development.
4. Affordable Housing Preservation Goals
a. Rural Preservation Projects
These applications must propose the rehabilitation of projects currently receiving Rural Rental Assistance Program (RRAP) funds. Applications must propose a scope of work extending the expected useful life of the project by no less than 20 years and which satisfies heightened energy efficiency standards specified by HCR in the UF 2017 RFP. Successful applications must demonstrate the rehabilitation will be undertaken as part of a financing plan that will result in ongoing reductions of RRAP funding, and that at least 90% of the proposed total development costs will be directly related to physical improvements that will extend the useful life and improve the habitability and energy efficiency of the project. The only source of funding that may be requested under this goal is Community Investment Fund (CIF). Requests are limited to $2 million in CIF funds, and $40,000 per unit, and must satisfy all CIF program requirements described in the UF 2017 RFP.
b. Public Housing Redevelopment Projects
These applications must propose the gut rehabilitation and/or demolition and replacement of substandard public housing located outside the City of New York.
c. DHCR/HTFC Portfolio Preservation Projects
These applications will propose the rehabilitation of projects currently regulated by the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal and/or the New York State Housing Trust Fund Corporation that have significant unmet physical needs which cannot be addressed solely through the use of existing project reserves and for which the mismanagement of the property is not a significant contributing factor. Applications must propose a scope of work extending the expected useful life of the project by no less than 20 years and which satisfies heightened energy efficiency standards specified by HCR in the UF 2017 RFP. Successful applications must demonstrate that at least 90% of proposed total development costs will be directly related to physical improvements that will extend the useful life and improve the habitability and energy efficiency of the project. The only source of funding that may be requested under this goal is the Multifamily Preservation Program (MPP). Requests are limited to $2 million in MPP funds, and $50,000 per unit, and must satisfy any additional MPP requirements described in the UF 2017 RFP.
UF 2017 Capital Application Workshops will include a presentation and discussion of project application requirements and the UF process. UF 2017 Capital Application Workshops will be conducted at the following times and locations:
ROCHESTER: Thursday, September 7, 2017, at 10:00 AM Rochester City Council Chambers City Hall – Room 302 30 Church St. Rochester, NY
ALBANY: Friday, September 8, 2017, at 10:00 AM Hampton Plaza Ballroom 38-40 State Street Albany, NY
NEW YORK CITY: Monday, September 11, 2017, at 10:00 AM 5th Floor Hearing Room 25 Beaver Street New York, NY
Housing Trust Fund Corporation 38-40 State St., 4th Fl. S Albany, NY 12207
New York Main Street Technical Assistance Projects
Funding Availability
The Housing Trust Fund Corporation invites eligible applicants to apply for funding for New York Main Street Technical Assistance (NYMS-TA) Projects. This Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) describes the available funds, and the method used to accept and evaluate applications for funding.
HTFC expects to make up to $200,000 in funds available to eligible applicants under this NOFA. Eligible applicants are invited to submit applications for funding requests of up to $20,000. NYMS-TA funds are available in the form of matching, reimbursement-based grants. NYMS-TA funds may reimburse up to 95% of the project cost, not to exceed $20,000. The remaining 5% must be provided as a cash match. Project activities may not commence prior to award and execution of a grant agreement.
New York Main Street Technical Assistance Activity Description
New York Main Street Technical Assistance (NYMS-TA) projects are intended to improve a community’s readiness to administer a future NYMS building renovation program. Two essential elements in successful administration of a New York Main Street renovation program are a clear understanding of the needs of the project community, and interest from mixed-use property owners. NYMS-TA funds are available to encourage communities to evaluate commercial neighborhood building conditions, and housing opportunities to prepare for future NYMS projects. Part of this evaluation may include identifying priority target areas, and developing a phased approach to downtown revitalization.
NYMS-TA funds cannot be used for administrative expenses, general planning activities or to prepare a grant application for NYMS or other sources. Priority is given to proposals for NYMS-TA projects that have a broader application in assisting other communities, or can be readily adapted for use by other communities or the statewide New York Main Street Program, e.g., template guidelines or technical primers, as such projects maximize the NYMS-TA investment. Please contact the Office of Community Renewal to discuss project eligibility.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants for NYMS Program applications are Units of Local Government or organizations incorporated under the NYS Not-for-Profit Corporation Law that have been providing relevant service to the community for at least one year prior to application.
Application Process
The NYMS-TA application is available through an open round process in the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) portal: https://apps.cio.ny.gov/apps/cfa/. Beginning August 2, 2017 a $200,000 allocation will be available for NYMS-TA projects.
An applicant must complete the full application in the CFA portal within 60 days of beginning an application. An application is subject to cancellation in the CFA portal if it has not been finalized within 60 days. Applications will be accepted until the available funding is committed. The application will close when available funding has been committed, no later than 4:00 pm on February 28, 2018.
This Notice provides a summary description of the New York Main Street Technical Assistance project funds, and procedures for applying for assistance thereunder. A detailed Request for Proposals (RFP) outlining project and application requirements is expected to be available on August 2, 2017 online, here: http://www.nyshcr.org/Funding/.
Applicants are advised that this NOFA is applicable to New York Main Street Technical Assistance projects only. Funding for traditional New York Main Street (NYMS) renovation projects will be offered in the annual Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) process.
For additional information, please contact: Crystal Loffler, Office of Community Renewal, at the above address or call (518) 474-2057, e-mail: [email protected]
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