Standard Financial Aid Award Information Sheet for Institutions of Higher Education


1/20/16 N.Y. St. Reg. DFS-03-16-00003-EP
January 20, 2016
I.D No. DFS-03-16-00003-EP
Filing No. 1150
Filing Date. Dec. 31, 2015
Effective Date. Dec. 31, 2015
Standard Financial Aid Award Information Sheet for Institutions of Higher Education
PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Proposed Action:
Addition of Part 421 to Title 3 NYCRR.
Statutory authority:
Banking Law, section 9-w
Finding of necessity for emergency rule:
Preservation of general welfare.
Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity:
I determined that it is necessary for the preservation of the general welfare that this regulation be adopted on an emergency basis as authorized by section 202(6) of the State Administrative Procedure Act, effective immediately upon filing with the Department of State.
This regulation is adopted as an emergency measure because time is of the essence. Banking Law Section 9-w requires schools to use a standard financial aid information letter in responding to all financial aid applicants for the 2016-2017 academic year and thereafter. Schools will be sending award packages shortly and the regulations provide important clarity for schools adopting the newly published model financial aid information letter. In order to give schools sufficient time to comply, these rules are being adopted on an emergency basis.
Standard financial aid award information sheet for institutions of higher education.
Provides guidance to institutions of higher education for the implementation of a financial aid award information sheet.
Text of emergency/proposed rule:
§ 421.1 Scope and application of this Part
Section 9-w of the Banking Law authorizes the superintendent to adopt rules and regulations for the implementation of a standard financial aid award letter.
§ 421. 2 Definitions
For purposes of this Part, unless otherwise stated herein, terms shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 601 of New York State Education Law.
§ 421.3 Content and Delivery of Financial Aid Award Information Sheet On or After May 15, 2016
(a) In responding to an incoming or prospective student’s financial aid application on or after May 15, 2016, a college, vocational institution or other institution that offers an approved program as defined in section 601 of the Education Law shall provide the letter required in section 9-w of the Banking Law, hereby referred to as the “Financial Aid Award Information Sheet”, in the form available at
(b) For purposes of the Financial Aid Award Information Sheet, the term “Campus” shall mean an institution affiliated with a single U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education Identification code.
§ 421.4 Content and Delivery of Financial Aid Award Information Sheet Prior to May 15, 2016
(a) In responding to an incoming or prospective student’s financial aid application prior to May 15, 2016, a college, vocational institution or other institution that offers an approved program as defined in section 601 of the Education Law shall provide the Financial Aid Award Information Sheet in accordance with section 421.3 of this Part or satisfy the requirements in subsections 421.4(b) and 421.4(c) of this Part.
(b) Beginning on or before February 1, 2016, and ending on or after September 1, 2016, a college, vocational institution or other institution that offers an approved program as defined in section 601 of the Education Law shall publish online an “Interim Period Financial Aid Award Information Sheet” in the form available at
(c) In responding to an incoming or prospective student’s financial aid application before May 15, 2016, a college, vocational institution or other institution that offers an approved program as defined in section 601 of the Education Law shall include in, or accompany with, the response a clear and conspicuous disclosure stating “Additional Information Including Estimated Cost of Attendance Can be Found On the Web Page Below” and setting forth the URL address of the webpage that includes a completed Interim Period Financial Aid Award Information Sheet. For responses to an incoming or prospective student’s financial aid application between January 1, 2016 and February 1, 2016, this disclosure shall be provided by February 1, 2016.
(d) For purposes of the Interim Period Financial Aid Award Information Sheet, the term “Campus” shall mean an institution affiliated with a single U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education Identification code.
This notice is intended:
to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption and a notice of proposed rule making. The emergency rule will expire March 29, 2016.
Text of rule and any required statements and analyses may be obtained from:
Max Dubin, Department of Financial Services, One State Street, New York, NY 10004, (212) 480-7232, email: [email protected]
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to:
Same as above.
Public comment will be received until:
45 days after publication of this notice.
This rule was not under consideration at the time this agency submitted its Regulatory Agenda for publication in the Register.
Regulatory Impact Statement
1. Statutory Authority: The Superintendent of Financial Services’ (“Superintendent”) authority for the promulgation of this rule derives from New York Banking Law § 9-w, which calls on the Superintendent to promulgate regulations implementing that section.
2. Legislative Objectives: The Legislature called on the Superintendent to issue this rule to implement New York Banking Law § 9-w, which requires all New York schools to use a uniform financial aid award letter. The Legislature mandated a uniform financial aid letter to give students a better understanding of the costs of a particular school and the options to pay for the education. The uniform letter will also help students to easily compare costs and financial aid options between schools.
3. Needs and Benefits: DFS consulted the New York State Higher Education Services Corporation for thoughts and challenges associated with implementing the form required in Banking Law § 9-w. The rule is required by New York Banking Law § 9-w. The rule provides needed guidance to institutions of higher education, including when and to whom schools must provide the financial aid award letter.
4. Costs: This rule does not create any additional costs to regulated parties or state and local governments. Any costs incurred by higher education institutions in implementing a standard financial aid award information sheet, including building any information technology infrastructure to generate and send the award sheets, were imposed by the Legislature by statute. No new costs are created by this rule, which simply implements New York Banking Law § 9-w.
5. Local Government Mandates: The rule does not create any new local government mandates.
6. Paperwork: There are no new paperwork requirements created by the rule.
7. Duplication: Some institutions of higher education have volunteered to, and in some cases are required, to use a standard student shopping sheet developed by the U.S. Department of Education when responding to financial aid applications. DFS consulted with U.S. Department of Education and designed a model shopping sheet that would meet federal and state requirements. New York schools already committed to using the federal form can add a supplement to their existing form to meet both requirements and avoid duplicative financial aid award information sheets.
8. Alternatives: No significant alternatives to the rule were considered.
9. Federal Standards: The rule does not exceed any federal standards.
10. Compliance Schedule: The proposed rule should not take any time to implement. The proposed rule is also being adopted as an emergency rule to take effect immediately in order to assist schools in implementing New York Banking Law § 9-w, which requires that schools provide specific information when responding to financial aid applicants for the upcoming school year.
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
The rule will not impose any new adverse economic impact or reporting, record keeping or other compliance requirements on small businesses and local governments. The rule implements Banking Law § 9-w. Some of the covered educational institutions may be small businesses. Any costs or compliance requirements were created statutorily by the Legislature and this rule does not create any additional costs or requirements.
Rural Area Flexibility Analysis
The rule will not impose any new adverse economic impact on rural areas or reporting, record keeping or other compliance requirements on public or private entities in rural areas. The rule implements Banking Law § 9-w. Some of the covered educational institutions are located in rural areas. However, the rule does not impose any new costs or compliance requirements. Any costs or compliance requirements were created statutorily by the Legislature.
Job Impact Statement
The rule should have no adverse impact on jobs and employment opportunities in New York. The rule implements Banking Law § 9-w. It does not create any new burden or costs to businesses that are not already required by statute.
End of Document