Postponement of a Rate Increase


7/1/20 N.Y. St. Reg. PSC-26-20-00005-EP
July 01, 2020
I.D No. PSC-26-20-00005-EP
Filing Date. Jun. 11, 2020
Effective Date. Jun. 11, 2020
Postponement of a Rate Increase
PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE State Administrative Procedure Act, NOTICE is hereby given of the following action:
Proposed Action:
The Commission adopted an order on June 11, 2020 postponing Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation’s approved gas delivery rate increases, scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2020.
Statutory authority:
Public Service Law, sections 5(1), 65(1) and 66(12)
Finding of necessity for emergency rule:
Preservation of general welfare.
Specific reasons underlying the finding of necessity:
Governor Andrew Cuomo, on March 7, 2020, declared a state of emergency due to the unprecedented coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic that has spread throughout the state and country. The declaration, while necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the public, has inevitably resulted in the temporary closure of many businesses and schools across the state. Given the potential for widespread financial hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic, Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation seeks Commission approval to, among other things, postpone its approved gas delivery rate increases, scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2020. Absent immediate Commission action, the approved rate increase would go into effect. In order to help alleviate the financial hardships customers may face, this action cannot wait for the 60 day comment period to expire.
Postponement of a rate increase.
To assist customers in a time of hardship.
Substance of emergency/proposed rule:
The Public Service Commission is considering a petition filed on May 27, 2020 by Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation (Central Hudson or Company).
Given the potential for widespread financial hardships related to the COVID-19 pandemic and in order to assist customers, the petition requests a three-month postponement for Central Hudson’s approved gas delivery rate increases, scheduled to take effect on July 1, 2020, pursuant to its current three-year rate plan.
The full text of the petition and the full record of the proceeding may be reviewed online at the Department of Public Service web page: The Commission may adopt, reject or modify, in whole or in part, the action proposed and may resolve related matters.
This notice is intended:
to serve as both a notice of emergency adoption and a notice of proposed rule making. The emergency rule will expire September 8, 2020.
Text of rule may be obtained from:
John Pitucci, Public Service Commission, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350, (518) 486-2655, email: [email protected]
Data, views or arguments may be submitted to:
Michelle L. Phillips, Secretary, Department of Public Service, 3 Empire State Plaza, Albany, New York 12223-1350, (518) 474-6530, email: [email protected]
Public comment will be received until:
60 days after publication of this notice.
Regulatory Impact Statement, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, Rural Area Flexibility Analysis and Job Impact Statement
Statements and analyses are not submitted with this notice because the amended rule is within the definition contained in section 102(2)(a)(ii) of the State Administrative Procedure Act.
End of Document