Public Service Commission
- Suspension of Tariff Fees Associated with Certain Suspended Activities and Services (P)
- Postponement of a Rate Increase (P)
- Postponement of a Rate Increase (P)
- Postponement of the Annual Update of the Low Income Discount Credits (P)
- Postponement of Delivery Rate and System Improvement Charge (SIC) Increases and Implementation of a Make Whole Surcharge (P)
- Suspension of Tariff Fees Associated with Certain Suspended Activities and Services (P)
- Amendment of Tariff Modifying Cash-out Rules and Potential Penalties (P)
- To Modify the Terms and Conditions Under Which Gas Utilities Provide Service to Electric Generators (P)
- Tariff Filing (P)
- Ownership of New York American Water Company, Inc (P)
- Tariff Filing (P)