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WPI 365.04 Opinion Testimony—Limitation on Consideration of Evidence

6A WAPRAC WPI 365.04Washington Practice Series TMWashington Pattern Jury Instructions--Civil

6A Wash. Prac., Wash. Pattern Jury Instr. Civ. WPI 365.04 (7th ed.)
Washington Practice Series TM
Washington Pattern Jury Instructions--Civil
April 2022 Update
Washington State Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions
Part XIX. Involuntary Treatment
Chapter 365. Involuntary Treatment—Sexually Violent Predators
WPI 365.04 Opinion Testimony—Limitation on Consideration of Evidence
A witness who has special training, education, or experience in a particular science, profession, or calling may be allowed to express an opinion in addition to giving testimony as to facts. You are not, however, required to accept his or her opinion. To determine the credibility and weight to be given to this type of evidence, you may consider, among other things, the education, training, experience, knowledge, and ability of that witness, the reasons given for that opinion, the sources of the witness's information, together with the factors already given you for evaluating the testimony of any other witness.
[When(name of witness)testified, I informed you that some information was admitted as part of the basis for [his] [her] opinion, but may not be considered for other purposes. You must not consider this testimony as proof that the information relied upon by the witness is true. You may use this testimony only for the purpose of deciding what credibility or weight to give the witness's opinion.]
Use this written instruction if requested.
When practical, the instruction may also identify the particular evidence to which the instruction applies to (e.g., information contained in a police report or medical report).
Use the second paragraph only if a limiting instruction was given during the trial.
See the Comment to WPI 2.10 (Expert Testimony); WPI 365.03 (Basis of Expert Opinion—Limiting Instruction).
[Current as of October 2020.]
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