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WPI 41.05 Counterclaim—Cross-Claim—Third-Party Claim

6 WAPRAC WPI 41.05Washington Practice Series TMWashington Pattern Jury Instructions--Civil

6 Wash. Prac., Wash. Pattern Jury Instr. Civ. WPI 41.05 (7th ed.)
Washington Practice Series TM
Washington Pattern Jury Instructions--Civil
April 2022 Update
Washington State Supreme Court Committee on Jury Instructions
Part V. Multiple Parties and Pleadings—Forms of Verdicts
Chapter 41. Multiple Parties and Pleadings
WPI 41.05 Counterclaim—Cross-Claim—Third-Party Claim
There are multiple claims in this case. The instructions apply to all claims unless a specific instruction states that it applies only to a specific claim.
This instruction should be given after an instruction on the issues from WPI Chapter 20 (Issues in the Case).
Practitioners should carefully review the other written instructions to make sure that any instruction that applies to fewer than all claims clearly states this limitation. Special attention should be paid to the instructions setting out the issues in the case (see WPI Chapter 20) and the burden of proof (see WPI Chapter 21). See also the Comments to WPI 41.01 (Two or More Plaintiffs—Separate Claims) and WPI 41.04 (Fault to be Apportioned).
[Current as of September 2021.]
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