WPI 6.15 Jury Separation While Deliberating—Admonition
6 WAPRAC WPI 6.15Washington Practice Series TMWashington Pattern Jury Instructions--Civil
6 Wash. Prac., Wash. Pattern Jury Instr. Civ. WPI 6.15 (7th ed.)
Washington Practice Series TM
Washington Pattern Jury Instructions--Civil
April 2022 Update
Part I. General Instructions
Chapter 6. Oral Instructions During Trial
WPI 6.15 Jury Separation While Deliberating—Admonition
I am releasing you for [the evening] [the weekend]. You must report back to this courtroom at(state the time)to resume your deliberations.
Even though you are now free to discuss the case among yourselves in the jury room, you are not permitted to discuss the case with one another outside of the jury room.
Further, as I have explained to you before, do not allow anyone to give you information about the case, including in your electronic communications. During this recess, and every other recess, do not discuss this case among yourselves or with anyone else, including your family and friends. This applies to your internet and electronic discussions as well — you may not say or write anything about the case via text messages, email, telephone, internet chat, blogs, or social networking web sites. Do not even mention your jury duty in your communications on social media, such as Facebook or Twitter [or(insert other social media sites as appropriate)]. If anybody asks you about the case, or about the people or issues involved in the case, you are to explain that you are not allowed to discuss it.
Do not allow anyone to give you information about the case, including in your electronic communications. If you start to overhear a discussion or start to receive information about anything related to this case, you must act immediately so that you no longer hear or see it. If you become aware that you or another juror has been exposed to outside information, you must privately notify [the bailiff] [(insert other applicable staff person)]; do not discuss these matters with other jurors.
Do not read, view, or listen to any report from the newspaper, magazines, social networking web sites, blogs, radio, or television on the subject of this trial. Do not conduct any internet research or consult any other outside sources about this case, the people involved in the case, or its general subject matter. You must keep your mind open and free of outside information. Only in this way will you be able to decide the case fairly based solely on the evidence and my instructions on the law.
As I have previously instructed you, you are not to try to find any evidence or do any legal research on your own. Do not inspect the site of any event involved in a case. If your ordinary travel will result in passing or seeing the site of any event involved in this case, do not stop or try to investigate. Again, you must keep your mind clear of anything that is not presented to you in this courtroom.
When you return, you must not discuss the case until all of the jurors are reassembled in the jury room. No discussion about the case should take place until your presiding juror determines that each juror is present in the jury room and announces that deliberations are resumed.
Give this oral instruction to the jury if the judge allows the jury to separate during deliberations. If this instruction is used, it must be read to the jury in open court.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate times.
The instruction has been modified for this edition to be consistent with WPI 6.02 (Before Recesses).
CR 47(i)(1).
The court rule provides that “[d]uring trial and deliberations the jury may be allowed to separate unless good cause is shown, on the record, for sequestration of the jury.”
[Current as of December 2020.]
Westlaw. © 2022 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt. Works.
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