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§ 3044. Delivery of ballots and supplies to judges of election

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated StatutesTitle 25 P.S. Elections & Electoral Districts

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes
Title 25 P.S. Elections & Electoral Districts (Refs & Annos)
Chapter 14. Election Code (Refs & Annos)
Article XII. Preparation for and Conduct of Primaries and Elections
25 P.S. § 3044
§ 3044. Delivery of ballots and supplies to judges of election
The cards of instruction, return sheets, tally papers, statements, oaths of election officers, affidavits, voter's certificates, and other forms and supplies required for use in each election district, and also the district register of such district, and in districts in which ballots are used, the official and specimen ballots prepared for use therein, shall be packed by the county board of elections in separate sealed packages for each election district, marked on the outside so as to clearly designate the districts for which they are intended, and, in the case of districts in which ballots are used, the number of ballots of each kind enclosed. They shall then be delivered by the county board, together with the ballot box which shall bear the name and number of the election district, to the judges of election in the several election districts, not later than the day prior to the day of the primary or election: Provided, however, That if, for any reason, it is impossible to deliver such packages to the judge of election in any district, such packages may be delivered to one of the inspectors therein. The respective judges of election or inspectors shall, on delivery to them of such packages, return receipts therefor to the county board, which shall keep a record of the time when and the manner in which the several packages are delivered. The county board may, in its discretion, require the respective judges of election to call at its office to obtain the said packages.


1937, June 3, P.L. 1333, No. 320, art. XII, § 1204.
25 P.S. § 3044, PA ST 25 P.S. § 3044
Current through Act 13 of the 2024 Regular Session. Some statute sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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