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§ 3306. Report of commissions; approval by court; certification of line

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated StatutesTitle 16 P.S. Counties

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes
Title 16 P.S. Counties (Refs & Annos)
Chapter 2. Second Class County Code (Refs & Annos)
Article III. Fixing and Relocating Lines and Boundaries
16 P.S. § 3306
§ 3306. Report of commissions; approval by court; certification of line
(a) The commission or a majority thereof shall make a report in writing and attach thereto a map or draft showing the courses and distances of the line ascertained and designated by them as the existing county line, or where they may have been directed to fix and determine a new county line, such map or draft, in lieu thereof, shall show the courses and distances of such new county line. In either case, the map or draft shall also show the lands through which said line passes and the buildings in close proximity thereto, together with the roads and streams crossed by or near to such line.
(b) The report and map, signed by the members of the commission or a majority of them, shall be filed in the court of quarter sessions having been given jurisdiction, and if approved by such court, shall be ordered recorded in the records thereof. A copy of the report and approval shall be certified by the clerk of the court to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions of each county affected, where it shall be recorded in the records. The line so ascertained, surveyed and fixed and so marked shall thenceforth be the boundary line between the two counties.
(c) The clerk of the court of quarter sessions, having determined the matter, shall certify the approval of the court on two copies of the report and map filed in his office and, within thirty days, transmit a copy by mail to the Secretary of Internal Affairs, to be by him deposited in his department, and another to the Department of Highways.


1953, July 28, P.L. 723, art. III, § 306.
16 P.S. § 3306, PA ST 16 P.S. § 3306
Current through Act 40 of the 2024 Regular Session. Some statute sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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