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§ 9301. Annual statement as to support of jails and criminal courts

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated StatutesTitle 16 P.S. Counties

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes
Title 16 P.S. Counties (Refs & Annos)
Chapter 4. Other Provisions Concerning Counties
Article III. County Commissioners (Refs & Annos)
16 P.S. § 9301
§ 9301. Annual statement as to support of jails and criminal courts
It shall be the duty of the commissioners of each and every county of this Commonwealth to transmit to the secretary thereof, on or before the first day of February in each and every year, a full statement in detail of the moneys paid out of the treasury of their respective counties, for the support of any penitentiary or jail, and of the criminal courts of their respective counties during the year, ending on the thirty-first day of the previous December, designating the amount paid to grand jurors, petit jurors, witnesses, officers and other persons; the number and amount of forfeited recognizances; the number sued out, and the amount received therefrom.


1847, Feb. 27, P.L. 172, § 3.
16 P.S. § 9301, PA ST 16 P.S. § 9301
Current through Act 13 of the 2024 Regular Session. Some statute sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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