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§ 510-9. Flood control (Adm. Code § 1909-A)

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated StatutesTitle 71 P.S. State Government

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes
Title 71 P.S. State Government
Part I. The Administrative Codes and Related Provisions
Chapter 2. The Administrative Code of 1929 (Refs & Annos)
Article XIX-a. Powers and Duties of the Department of Environmental Resources, Its Officers and Departmental and Advisory Boards and Commissions (Refs & Annos)
71 P.S. § 510-9
§ 510-9. Flood control (Adm. Code § 1909-A)
The Department of Environmental Resources shall have the power and it shall be its duty:
(1) To make or cause to be made studies, surveys and examinations of local, State or National flood conditions, causes and effects and prepare, or cause to be prepared designs, plans and recommendations for bringing flood conditions under adequate and reasonable control and for saving life and property from damage by flood;
(2) The department in the performance of its duties may request, and shall receive from any State or local agency, department, board, bureau, commission or political subdivision, which has for one of its objects the control of flood waters, such assistance and data as requisite for carrying out the purposes of this law, and the department is hereby authorized to such end, to cooperate in the activities of, and with such State or local agencies, departments, boards, bureaus, commissions and political subdivisions, and to cooperate with the Federal Government or any appropriate agency thereof, in planning or accomplishing an overall long or short term flood control, either National, local or sectional, and to cooperate with the Congress of the United States in the preparation or presentation of legislation tending to effectuate flood control.


1929, April 9, P.L. 177, art. XIX-A, § 1909-A, added 1970, Dec. 3, P.L. 834, No. 275, § 20, effective Jan. 19, 1971.
71 P.S. § 510-9, PA ST 71 P.S. § 510-9
Current through Act 40 of the 2024 Regular Session. Some statute sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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