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§ 240.2B. Definitions (Adm. Code § 602-B)

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated StatutesTitle 71 P.S. State GovernmentEffective: October 7, 2021

Purdon's Pennsylvania Statutes and Consolidated Statutes
Title 71 P.S. State Government
Part I. The Administrative Codes and Related Provisions
Chapter 2. The Administrative Code of 1929 (Refs & Annos)
Article VI-B. Independent Fiscal Office (Refs & Annos)
Effective: October 7, 2021
71 P.S. § 240.2B
Formerly cited as PA ST 71 Pa.C.S.A. § 4102
§ 240.2B. Definitions (Adm. Code § 602-B)
The following words and phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
“Commonwealth agency.” Any office, department, authority, board, multistate agency or commission of the executive branch. The term includes:
(1) The Office of the Governor.
(2) The Office of Attorney General, the Department of the Auditor General and the Treasury Department.
(3) An independent agency as defined in 62 Pa.C.S. § 103 (relating to definitions).
(4) A State-affiliated entity as defined in 62 Pa.C.S. § 103.
(5) The General Assembly.
(6) The Judiciary.
“Director.” The Director of the Independent Fiscal Office.
“Office.” The Independent Fiscal Office established in section 603-B.1
“Proposed collective bargaining agreement.” The terms of bargaining between a public employer and an employee organization which:
(1) Apply to wages, hours, terms and conditions of employment, benefits and working conditions.
(2) Are:
(i) Reduced to writing.
(ii) Agreed upon by designated representatives of the public employer and the employee organization.
(iii) Submitted for acceptance as a contract to the public employer and the public employee organization.
“Public employee retirement plan.” Any of the following:
(1) The State Employees' Retirement System established under 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV (relating to retirement for State employees and officers).2
(2) The Public School Employees' Retirement System established under 24 Pa.C.S. Pt. IV (relating to retirement for school employees).3
(3) The Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System established under the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L. 34, No. 15),4 known as the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law.
(4) Any other independent pension or retirement plan for public officers and employees of the Commonwealth.
(5) Pension or retirement plans established under 11 Pa.C.S. Ch. 143 (relating to pensions).
(6) Pension or retirement plans created pursuant to the act of May 29, 1956 (1955 P.L. 1804, No. 600),5 referred to as the Municipal Police Pension Law.
“Requesting officer.” The following officers of the General Assembly:
(1) The President pro tempore of the Senate or the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
(2) The Majority Leader or the Minority Leader of the Senate.
(3) The Majority Leader or the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
(4) The chairperson or minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the Senate.
(5) The chairperson or minority chairperson of the Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives.
(6) The chairperson or minority chairperson of the standing committee of the Senate to which the bill is referred.
(7) The chairperson or minority chairperson of the standing committee of the House of Representatives to which the bill is referred.
“Selection and organization committee.” The Independent Fiscal Office Selection and Organization Committee.


1929, April 9, P.L. 177, No. 175, art. VI-B, § 602-B, added 2016, July 20, P.L. 849, No. 100, § 1, imd. effective. Amended 2021, July 9, P.L. 377, No. 70, § 5, effective in 90 days [Oct. 7, 2021].


71 P.S. § 240.3B.
71 Pa.C.S.A. § 5101 et seq.
24 Pa.C.S.A. § 8101 et seq.
53 P.S. § 881.101 et seq.
53 P.S. § 767 et seq.
71 P.S. § 240.2B, PA ST 71 P.S. § 240.2B
Current through Act 40 of the 2024 Regular Session. Some statute sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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