12 CRR-NY 190-3.1NY-CRR
12 CRR-NY 190-3.1
12 CRR-NY 190-3.1
190-3.1 Allowances.
The following amounts may be considered as part of the basic minimum wage rate if the items shown below are provided to the employee:
(a) Meals—$1.35 per meal until January 1, 1991; $1.50 per meal on and after January 1, 1991; $1.70 per meal on and after January 1, 1992.
No allowance for meals shall be considered as part of the minimum wage if a migrant seasonal employee earns less than $201 in a two-week period until January 1, 1991; $227.00 in a two-week period on and after January 1, 1991; $254.00 in a two-week period on and after January 1, 1992 other than by reason of voluntary absence.
(b) Lodging and utilities.
(1) Migrant seasonal employees. No allowance for lodging and utilities shall be considered as part of the minimum wage for a migrant seasonal employee.
(2) All other employees—$15 per week until January 1, 1991; $16.95 per week on and after January 1, 1991; $18.95 per week on and after January 1, 1992 for single occupancy or $10 per week until January 1, 1991; $11.30 per week on and after January 1, 1991; $12.65 per week on and after January 1, 1992 per employee for multiple occupancy. When a house or apartment and utilities are furnished by an employer to an employee, a fair and reasonable amount may be allowed for such facilities, which amount shall not exceed the lesser of either the reasonable value of comparable facilities in the locality, or $2.70 a day until January 1, 1991; $3.00 a day on and after January 1, 1991; $5.00 a day on and after January 1, 1992 for an individual employee and $6.00 a day on and after January 1, 1991; $8.00 a day on and after January 1, 1992 when the employee's family resides with the employee.
(c) Payments in kind acceptable to the employee may be considered as a part of the minimum wage, but shall be valued at not more than the farm market value at the time such payments were provided.
12 CRR-NY 190-3.1
Current through June 30, 2021
End of Document |
IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CONTENT CURRENCY: The "Current through" date indicated immediately above is the date of the most recently produced official NYCRR supplement covering this rule section. For later updates to this section, if any, please: consult editions of the NYS Register published after this date; or contact the NYS Department of State Division of Administrative Rules at [email protected]. See Help for additional information on the currency of this unofficial version of NYS Rules.