22 CRR-NY 1500.22NY-CRR

22 CRR-NY 1500.22
22 CRR-NY 1500.22
1500.22 Minimum requirements.
(a) Credit hours.
Each attorney shall complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of accredited continuing legal education each biennial reporting cycle in ethics and professionalism, skills, law practice management, areas of professional practice, or diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias, at least four credit hours of which shall be in ethics and professionalism and at least one credit hour of which shall be in diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias. Ethics and professionalism, skills, law practice management, areas of professional practice, and diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias are defined in section 1500.2 of this Part. The ethics and professionalism and diversity, inclusion and elimination of bias components may be intertwined with other courses.
(b) Biennial reporting cycle.
(1) The biennial reporting cycle shall be the two-year period between the dates of submission of the attorney's biennial registration statement.
(2) An attorney shall comply with the requirements of this subpart commencing from the time of the filing of the attorney's biennial attorney registration statement in the second calendar year following admission to the Bar.
(3) A newly admitted attorney whose transitional two-year post-Bar admission period has not been completed as of the last day the attorney registration statement in paragraph (2) of this subdivision is required to be filed may apply 12 credit hours of the second-year accredited transitional education credits required in section 1500.12(a) of this Part to fulfilling the requirements of this subpart.
(c) Carry-over credit.
An attorney who accumulates more than the 24 hours of credit in any one biennial reporting cycle may carry over a maximum of six credits to the next biennial reporting cycle.
(d) Course or program formats.
Continuing legal education courses or programs may include traditional live classroom or audience settings; teleconferences; video conferences; satellite transmissions; videotapes; audiotapes; motion picture presentations; interactive video instruction; activities electronically transmitted from another location; self- study; correspondence work; and on-line computer courses.
(e) Credit for speaking and teaching activities.
Credit may be earned through speaking, teaching or participating in a panel in an accredited CLE program. Where teaching is done in tandem or by panel, teaching credit shall be given to all participants.
(f) Credit for teaching law school classes.
Credit may be earned through teaching in an ABA-accredited law school as may be permitted pursuant to the regulations and guidelines of the CLE board.
(g) Credit for attending law school courses.
Credit may be earned for attending courses at an ABA-accredited law school after admission to practice in New York provided:
(1) the attorney is officially registered for the course; and
(2) the attorney completed the course as required by the terms of registration.
(h) Credit for judging law competitions.
Credit may be earned for preparing students for and judging law competitions, mock trials and moot court arguments, including those in high school, pursuant to the regulations and guidelines of the CLE board.
(i) Credit for publications.
Credit may be earned, as may be permitted pursuant to the regulations and guidelines of the CLE board, for legal research-based writing upon application to the CLE board, provided the activity:
(1) produced material published or to be published, in print or electronically, in the form of an article, chapter or book written, in whole or in substantial part, by the applicant; and
(2) contributed substantially to the continuing legal education of the applicant and other attorneys.
(j) Credit for performing pro bono legal services.
Credit may be earned for performing uncompensated legal services for clients unable to afford counsel pursuant to:
(1) assignment by a court; or
(2) a program, accredited by the CLE board, of a bar association, legal services provider or other entity.
Credit shall be awarded pursuant to the regulations and guidelines of the CLE board, provided that no more than 10 hours of CLE credit may be earned in a two-year reporting period for performing pro bono legal services. An additional five hours of CLE credit may be earned subject to the requirements and limitations set forth in the regulations and guidelines of the CLE Board.
(k) Accredited courses, programs and activities only.
Continuing legal education credit will be granted only for courses, programs and activities approved by the CLE board, except where credit is extended as provided in subdivision (m) of this section.
(l) Individual course approval.
An attorney seeking approval of a course or program that has not otherwise been approved shall apply to the CLE board for approval in accordance with board procedures. Such approval must be sought at least 60 days prior to the occurrence of the course or program, except in extenuating circumstances and only with prior permission of the board.
(m) Other jurisdictions.
Continuing legal education courses approved by another state, the District of Columbia, any territory of the United States or any foreign jurisdiction with requirements meeting the standards adopted by the CLE board shall count toward the attorney's compliance with New York's CLE program requirements in accordance with the regulations and guidelines established by the CLE board and this Part.
(n) Obligations of attorneys exempt from the program requirements.
(1) An attorney who is exempt from the requirements of this program and who is required to comply with the continuing legal education requirements of another jurisdiction shall comply with those requirements and shall certify this compliance on the attorney' s biennial attorney registration statement.
(2) An attorney who is exempt from the requirements of this program and who is not required to comply with the continuing legal education requirements of another jurisdiction shall so certify on the attorney's biennial attorney registration statement.
(3) An attorney who is exempt from the requirements of this program and who thereafter ceases to be exempt and commences the practice of law in New York during a biennial reporting cycle shall be required to complete by the end of the reporting cycle one credit hour of accredited continuing legal education as set forth in subdivision (a) of this section, in any combination of categories set forth in said section, for each full calendar month of the biennial reporting cycle during which the attorney practices law in New York.
(4) An attorney who permanently ceases to practice law in New York while commencing or continuing the practice of law in another jurisdiction shall be exempt from the requirements of this program for the reporting cycle in which the permanent cessation from New York practice occurred, and shall comply with the requirements of the jurisdiction in which the attorney practices law during that cycle.
22 CRR-NY 1500.22
Current through May 31, 2021
End of Document

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CONTENT CURRENCY: The "Current through" date indicated immediately above is the date of the most recently produced official NYCRR supplement covering this rule section. For later updates to this section, if any, please: consult editions of the NYS Register published after this date; or contact the NYS Department of State Division of Administrative Rules at [email protected]. See Help for additional information on the currency of this unofficial version of NYS Rules.