18 CRR-NY 533.6NY-CRR

18 CRR-NY 533.6
18 CRR-NY 533.6
533.6 Radiology.
(a) Maximum payment for radiology services.
The department will pay providers of radiology services according to the radiology fees listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule in subdivision (f) of this section. Unless otherwise indicated, these fees are full payment for the radiology service provided.
(b) Radiology fee components.
The fees listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule include payment for the professional component and for the technical and administrative component of radiology services.
(1) Professional component.
(i) The professional component of radiology services refers to the various professional services performed by physicians, including:
(a) determining the patient's problem, including interviewing the patient, obtaining the patient's medical history, and physically examining the patient to decide how to perform radiology procedures;
(b) studying the results of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, interpreting X-rays or radioisotope data and estimating treatment results;
(c) dictating examination or treatment reports; and
(d) Consulting with and furnishing written reports to referring physicians regarding the results of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
(ii) Physicians who render these services in hospitals are paid 40 percent of the appropriate fee listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule. The remaining 60 percent is applied to the technical and administrative component described in paragraph (2) of this subdivision.
(iii) Payments may be made only to physicians meeting the requirements of section 505.17 of this Title. Only physicians who are not paid by a hospital for patient care and who bill separately from a hospital may be paid under this section.
(2) Technical and administrative component of radiology services.
(i) The technical and administrative component of radiology services refers to the various services provided to the physician by the hospital, including the following:
(a) use of hospital personnel, such as technologists and clerical staff;
(b) use of hospital supplies such as film, opaques, radioactive substances, chemicals and drugs; and
(c) purchase, rental or maintenance of space, equipment, telephones or other facilities or supplies.
(ii) Sixty percent of the fee listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule is applicable to these technical and administrative services provided by the hospital.
(3) Procedures not separable into professional and technical and administrative components.
Injections of radiopaque media, fluoroscopy and consultations must be performed by the physician. Consequently, these procedures are not separated for billing into professional and technical and administrative components, and the total fee listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule for such services is paid to the physician.
(c) General rules.
These rules apply to all procedure codes found in the Radiology Fee Schedule.
(1) What is included in radiology fees. Fees listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule include the following:
(i) the usual contrast media, equipment and materials. When the physician supplies special surgical trays or materials, an additional charge may be claimed from the department;
(ii) consultation with and written reports provided to the referring physician; and
(iii) payment for injection procedures, such as local anesthesia, needle or catheter placement or injection of contrast media as provided in the Radiology Fee Schedule, except for injection procedures which are identified by an asterisk before the MMIS code in the Radiology Fee Schedule.
(2) Payment for multiple or repeat radiology procedures.
(i) When more than one radiology procedure is performed on different parts of the body during the same visit, the total payment is the sum of the fee for the more costly procedure plus 60 percent of the fee for the less costly procedure.
(ii) When a single radiology procedure is performed which shows more than one part of the body, payment will be made for only one procedure.
(iii) When repeat radiology procedures are performed on the same part of the body and for the same illness, payment for the repeat procedures will be made according to the fee listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule. However, no payment will be made for repeat procedures on the same part of the body and for the same illness when the reason for the repeat procedure is technical or professional error in the original procedure.
(d) Outpatient and clinic services.
No additional payment will be made for outpatient emergency and clinic services if the cost of providing radiology or radiotherapy services is included in the maximum reimbursement rate promulgated for the hospital by the Director of the Budget pursuant to section 2807 of the Public Health Law. When physicians refer patients for outpatient radiology or radiotherapy services, payment will be made according to the Radiology Fee Schedule except when radiology or radiotherapy services are provided in a facility that includes the cost of these services in its clinic rate calculation. In these cases, the recipient shall be registered as a clinic patient and the clinic rate shall be billed.
(e) Medicaid management information system (MMIS) modifiers.
Each radiology procedure listed in the Radiology Fee Schedule is preceded by a five-digit number identifying the specific procedure for which payment is claimed. Known as the MMIS procedure code, this number sometimes must be expanded by two additional digits, or modifiers, to describe more completely the particular procedure involved. The modifiers used in radiology are described below:
(1) ‘-60’ Professional component.
When physicians provide radiology services in hospitals but are not paid for these services by the hospitals, the physicians' services are identified for billing purposes by adding the modifier ‘-60’ to the MMIS procedure code.
(2) ‘-61’ Technical and administrative component.
When physicians provide radiology services in hospitals but are not paid for these services by the hospitals, the services, facilities and supplies furnished to the physicians by the hospitals are identified for billing purposes by adding the modifier ‘-61’ to the MMIS procedure code.
(3) ‘-62’ Multiple radiology procedures.
When more than one radiology procedure is performed on different parts of the body during the same visit, the more costly procedure is identified for billing purposes by its MMIS procedure code and the less costly procedure is identified by adding the modifier ‘ -62’ to its MMIS procedure code.
(4) ‘-65’ Multiple vascular radiology procedures.
When more than one vascular radiology procedure is performed at the same time, the more costly procedure is identified for billing purposes by its MMIS procedure code and the less costly procedure is identified by adding the modifier ‘-65’ to its MMIS procedure code.
(5) ‘-66’ Repeal radiology procedures.
When radiology procedures are repeated for reasons other than technical or professional error in the original procedure, the repeat procedure is identified for billing purposes by adding the modifier ‘-66’ to the MMIS procedure code.
(6) ‘-19’ Multiple modifiers.
More than one modifier often may be needed to identify radiology procedures for which payment is sought. Add the modifier ‘-19’ to the MMIS procedure code and list the applicable modifiers in the procedure description.
(f) Radiology Fee Schedule.
Listed below are the maximum medical assistance reimbursement fees for radiology procedures. A fee includes payment for injection procedures only if the MMIS code is not preceded by an asterisk. To be reimbursed for a procedure whose fee is to be determined “By Report” (BR), providers must submit information to MMIS on the nature and extent of the radiology procedure performed, the need for the procedure, and the time, skill and equipment necessary to perform the procedure. Reports, procedure descriptions or itemized invoices should accompany “BR” claims for reimbursement. Interim MMIS procedure codes are denoted by parentheses enclosing the fees. These procedure codes may be used pending final approval and promulgation by the Director of the Budget.
(1) X-ray, diagnostic.
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
70001Unlisted radiology procedureBR
*70002Pneumoencephalography or positive contrast encephalography$75.00*
70003including injection procedure110.00
70030Eye, for foreign body20.00
70040for localization of foreign body (70030 not included)30.00
70050Combined 70030 and 7004040.00
70100Mandible, partial, less than four views15.00
70110complete, minimum of four views25.00
70120Mastoids, less than three views per side15.00
70130complete study, minimum three views per side25.00
70140Facial bones, less than three views15.00
70150complete, minimum three views25.00
70160Nasal bones15.00
*70172Nasolacrimal duct (dacryocystography)20.00*
70171including injection procedure30.00
70190Optic foramina15.00
70200Orbits, complete, minimum four views25.00
70210Paranasal sinuses, less than three views12.50
70231complete study, minimum of three views20.00
70240Sella turcica12.50
70250Skull, less than four views with or without stereo15.00
70260complete study, minimum of four views, with or without stereo25.00
70300Teeth, single view5.00
70310partial examination, less than full mouth10.00
70320complete examination, full mouth15.00
70328Temporomandibular joint, open and closed, unilateral12.50
70350Cephalogram (orthodontic)7.50
70360Neck for soft tissues10.00
70370Pharynx or larynx, including fluoroscopy25.00
70380Salivary gland for calculus15.00
70391including injection procedure25.00
70134Internal auditory meati(25.00)
71000Chest, "minifilm"$ 4.00
71010Chest, single view10.00
71020two views15.00
71023three views(17.50)
71034complete, minimum of four views, including fluoroscopy where indicated20.00
76001Fluoroscopy, (independent procedure)10.00
*71040Bronchography, unilateral35.00*
71041including injection procedure50.00
71061including injection procedure55.00
71100Ribs, unilateral15.00
71130Sternoclavicular joints, minimum of three views20.00
72010Spine, entire, survey study (A-P and lateral)40.00
72040cervical, A-P and lateral15.00
72050cervical, minimum of four views20.00
72052cervical, complete, including flexion and extension studies30.00
72070thoracic, minimum of two views15.00
72080thoraco-lumbar, A-P and lateral15.00
72100lumbo-sacral, A-P and lateral15.00
72110complete lumbo-sacral, minimum five views30.00
72120lumbo-sacral, bending views20.00
72170Pelvis, A-P only12.50
72190complete, minimum of three views (for Pelvimetry, see 74710)20.00
72200sacroiliac studies, A-P only (For complete, see 72190)12.50
72220sacrum and coccyx15.00
*72265Myelography, lumbar or any other single level40.00*
72266including injection procedure80.00
*72270Myelography, complete spinal canal60.00*
72271including injection procedure100.00
*72295Discography, lumbar or cervical50.00*
72296including injection procedure90.00
73020Shoulder, one projection10.00
73030complete study15.00
73050Acromio-clavicular joints, bilateral, with or without weighted distraction17.50
73060Humerus, including one joint10.00
73070Elbow, A-P and lateral10.00
73080complete, minimum three views12.50
73090Forearm, including one joint10.00
73100Wrist, A-P and lateral10.00
73110complete study, minimum three views12.50
73500Hip, one view12.50
73510complete study20.00
73530during operative procedure, up to four studies30.00
73531each additional study over four7.50
73540Hips and pelvis, infant and child, two views15.00
73550Femur, (thigh) including one joint15.00
73560Knee, two views10.00
73570complete study, minimum three views15.00
73590Tibia and fibula (leg) including one joint10.00
73600Ankle, two views10.00
73610complete study, minimum three views12.50
73620Foot, two views10.00
73640complete routine study, minimum three views12.50
73631complete including special os calcis views20.00
73650Os calcis (heel), minimum two views10.00
74000Abdomen, single A-P10.00
74020complete study, minimum of three views20.00
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
All X-ray studies included in fee codes 74220 to 74280 that include examinations of upper or lower gastrointestinal tract shall include fluoroscopic examination as an integral part of the study. All gallbladder series require erect and/or decubitus views necessary to determine the presence or absence of pathology.
74220Esophagus, must include fluoroscopy$ 20.00
74240Upper gastrointestinal tract, with or without delayed films, must include fluoroscopy30.00
74241with K.U.B., must include fluoroscopy35.00
74245with small bowel, includes multiple serial films, must include fluoroscopy40.00
74250Small bowel, includes multiple serial films, with or without K.U.B., must include fluoroscopy30.00
74270Colon, barium enema, must include fluoroscopy25.00
74275barium enema and air contrast, must include fluoroscopy40.00
74280air contrast only, minimum six views, must include fluoroscopy30.00
74290Cholecystography, oral dye20.00
74300Cholangiography, operative30.00
74315oral dye30.00
*74320percutaneous, transhepatic25.00*
74321including injection procedure70.00
74322Transduodenal cholangiography30.00
74401Kidney, ureter and bladder (K.U.B.) single view10.00
74402multiple views15.00
74400Urography, intravenous, including K.U.B.35.00
74405including special hypertensive dye concentration and clearance studies ("renal washout")50.00
*74420retrograde, including K.U.B.25.00*
*74430Cystography, minimum three views20.00*
74431including injection procedure25.00
74451Urethrocystography, retrograde20.00
74415Aorto-nephrotomography, intravenous75.00
*74460Retroperitoneal pneumography25.00*
74461including injection procedure45.00
*74470Translumbar renal cyst study (contrast visualization) or antegrade urography20.00*
74471including injection procedure40.00
74425Loopagram, minimum three views20.00
74426Loopagram, including injection procedure25.00
For abdomen and pelvis, see 72170-72190, 74000, 74020)
74710Pelvimetry, with or without cephalometry or placental localization25.00
74720Placental localization20.00
74741including injection procedure35.00
*74760Pelvic pneumography25.00*
74761including injection procedure40.00
76000Fluoroscopy (independent procedure)10.00
76125Cine Radiology, as part of other radiological procedures except when otherwise included20.00
74427Pyelogram intravenous drip infusion (includes injection)45.00
76020Bone age studies15.00
76040Bone length studies (orthoroentgenogram)25.00
76061one survey (long bone or for metastasis)35.00
*73527Arthrography, contrast, three views or less15.00*
73524including injection procedure by same physician25.00
*73528minimum of four views25.00*
73529including injection procedure by same physician35.00
76080Fistula or sinus tract study15.00*
76081including injection procedure20.00
76090Mammography, unilateral20.00
76100Body section radiography (tomography, planigraphy, etc.) (For more complex studies, an additional value may be warranted.)30.00
75525Cardiac Oesophagogram25.00
76300Thermography (Breast) uilateral20.00
76351Thermography (Breast), bilateral30.00
76140Consultation on X-ray examination made elsewhere (This value does not necessarily include consultation involving litigation.)15.00
76141Examination in home, additional charge(20.00)
*75505Angiocardiography, single projection100.00*
*75507additional projection25.00*
75510by CO 2injection for auricular wall measurement50.00
*75600Aortography, thoracic or lumbar50.00*
*75610including lower extremities75.00*
*75660Angiography, cerebral, unilateral90.00*
75656Angiography, 4 Vessel Cerebral (carotid and vertebral)200.00
*75710extremity, unilateral35.00*
*75729arch, renal or splanchnic vessels50.00*
*75752coronary (Sonne's or comparable technique)100.00*
*75746pulmonary (intravenous)50.00*
*75809Lymphangiography, unilateral or bilateral50.00*
*75824Venography, extremity or caval40.00*
(2)Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy fees include one year follow-up care for treatment of malignancies and 60-day follow-up care for treatment of nonmalignancies. Fees also include office visits during which radiotherapy is provided. However, radiotherapy fees do not include payment for surgical, radiology or laboratory procedures performed with the radiotherapy service.
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
90611Initial consultation, Office24.00
90601Subsequent consultation (when required to complete diagnosis), office18.00
90612Initial consultation, other than office20.00
90602Subsequent consultation (when required to complete diagnosis), other than office15.00
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
74401Dermatoses (3 fields or less), per treatment7.50
77402more than 3 fields10.00
77403Benign tumors, per treatment10.00
77404Malignant lesions, per treatment15.00
77466Benign lesions, per treatment10.00
77467Malignant lesions, per treatment15.00
77411Per treatment20.00
(3) Radium and radioisotopes (Nuclear medicine). (For consultation, dosage calculation and preparation, see 90611, 90601, 90612.)
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
77276Basic value for placement of radioactive material (add cost of radioactive material-see 99070)75.00
77770Interstitial application of radium or radioisotopeBR
77760Application of radium or radioisotope plaque or mold for malignant lesionBR
77786Application of Thorium X or similar liquid radioactive material, includes office visit (add cost of radioactive material-see 99070)7.50
77787Surface application of sealed radioactive sources to benign lesions, including radioactive source, single application15.00
99070Cost of materialsBR
(Radioactive drugs not included, preliminary and follow-up diagnostic tests not included.)
79000Hyperthyrodidism, , initial100.00
79001subsequent, each50.00
79025Thyroid suppression, initial100.00
79026subsequent, each50.00
79030Thyroid carcinomaBR
79100Polycythemia vera, chronic leukemia, etc., per treatment30.00
79400Metastic bone or other carcinoma, per treatment30.00
79200Inter-cavitary radioactive colloid therapy45.00
79300Interstitial radioactive colloid therapy150.00
90792Perfusion for malignant disease3.00
(Radioactive drugs not included)
78000Radio-iodine uptake, single determination15.00
78001multiple determination (as 6 and 24 hours etc.)20.00
78006with scan40.00
78010Thyroid scanning only25.00
78003Thyroid stimulation or suppression test (including 2 uptakes) (THS or other drugs not included)25.00
78005Radioactive study, thyroid washout (thiocyanate, perchlorate or other drugs not included)(20.00)
78072Thyroid carcinoma metastases, imaging, neck and chest only(45.00)
76360Protein bound radio-iodine plasma, or conversion ratio15.00
76370Protein bound radio-iodine plasma, or conversion ratio (with uptake)25.00
76352Radio-tri-iodo-thyronine (in vitro) uptake10.00
78271Vitamin B-12 absorption study (e.g., Schilling Test); with intrinsic factor30.00
78270without intrinsic factor25.00
78272combined, with and without intrinsic factor50.00
78110Blood or plasma volume (e.g., radio-iodinated HSA)20.00
78120Red cell mass determination30.00
78130Red cell survival (e.g., radio-chromate)50.00
78135Red cell survival plus splenic (and/or hepatic) function study75.00
78280Gastrointestinal blood loss study40.00
78160Plasma radio-iron turnover rate30.00
78170Radio-iron red cell utilization and body distribution50.00
78470Cardiac output (e.g., radio-iodinated HSA)30.00
78408Circulation time (e.g., radio-iodinated HSA)30.00
78034Cardiac dynamic flow study(30.00)
78490Tissue clearance studies25.00
78491Carotid/cerebral flow study(40.00)
78222Liver function (e.g., radio-iodinated rose bengal)30.00
78724Renal function(e.g., radio-iodinated hippurate sodium)30.00
78721Renogram (Isotope Study/Renal Image Flow)85.00
78288Gastrointestinal absorption study with radioactive fat, first phase30.00
78289second phase20.00
78282Gastrointestinal protein loss (e.g., I-131, P.V.P.)30.00
78081Xenon washout(80.00)
78195Lymphatics and lymph glands imaging(40.00)
78405Myocardium, imaging(60.00)
78080Bone marrow scan(45.00)
78803Bone tumor60.00
78804positron method or complex instrumentationBR
78054Joint scan(40.00)
78620Brain tumor60.00
78606positron method or complex instrumentationBR
78201Liver scintiscan40.00
78223Liver function with scanning60.00
78850Total body or multiple area scanning for metastic carcinoma60.00
78655Ocular tumor35.00
78079Lacrimal scan(20.00)
78404Cardiac scan60.00
78240Pancreas (e.g., Selenium-75)40.00
78070Parathyroid scan60.00
78775Placental (e.g., RISA)25.00
78185Spleen scan60.00
78707Renal uptake and scintiscan (e.g., Mercury 203 or 197)40.00
78582Lung scan60.00
78607Brain scan60.00
70017Gamma Cisternogram75.00
78805Gallium scan60.00
78290Intestinal scan40.00
78230Salivary gland(s) scan35.00
78403MUGA Scan, cardiac blood pool imaging, with determination of regional ventricular function including ejection fraction and wall motion (e.g., gated blood pool images)150.00
78407Cardiac blood pool scan40.00
76155Scrotal scan(40.00)
(4) Diagnostic ultrasound.
A-Mode: Implies a one-dimensional ultrasonic measurement procedure.
M-Mode: Implies a one-dimensional ultrasonic measurement procedure with movements of the trace to record amplitude and velocity of moving echo producing structures.
B-Scan: Implies a two-dimensional ultrasonic scanning procedure with a two-dimensional display.
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
76500Echoencephalography, Diencephalic Midine (A-Mode)20.00
76505Echoencephalography, Complete (Diencephalic Midline and Ventricular Size) (A-Mode)30.00
76516Opthalmic Echography (A-Mode)40.00
76517Ophthalmic Sonography (contact B-Scan)60.00
76529Parotid gland Sonography (B-Mode)(20.00)
76531Soft tissue/neck mass Sonography (B-Scan)(30.00)
76530Thyroid Echography (B-Scan)20.00
76536Thyroid Sonography (B-Scan)30.00
76550Noninvasive studies carotid artery, B-scan, Doppler(67.50)
76630Echocardiagraphy, Pericardial Effusion (M-Mode)25.00
76635Echocardiography, Cardiac Valve(s) (M-Mode)30.00
76620Echocardiography, Complete (76630 and 76635 combined and chamber dimensions) (M-Mode)40.00
76628Echocardiography, limited (e.g., follow-up or limited study) (M-mode)20.00
76621Echocardiography, Two-dimensional(60.00)
76622Echocardiography, Two-dimensional and M-Mode(90.00)
76931Pericardiocentesis, by Ultrasonic Guidance (B-Mode, real time)(BR)
76636Doppler Echocardiography, Including 2-D Echocardiography(87.00)
76935Thoracentesis, by Ultrasonic Guidance(BR)
76631Pleural Effusion Echography (B-scan or real time)25.00
76633Diaphragm Sonography (B-Scan)(20.00)
76640Breast Echography (B-Scan, real time)25.00
76645Breast Sonography (B-Scan)50.00
76632Mediastinum Mass Sonography (B-Scan, real time)(30.00)
76700Abdominal Sonography, Complete Survey Study (B-Scan)60.00
76705Abdominal Sonography, Limited (e.g., follow-up or limited study) (B-Scan)40.00
76706Hepatic Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76707Gallbladder Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76775Adrenal Gland Sonography (B-Scan)(70.00)
76776Renal Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76940Renal cyst aspiration, by Ultrasonic Guidance (B-Scan, real time)(BR)
76944Renal biopsy, by Ultrasonic Guidance (B-Scan real time)(BR)
76710Pancreas Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76720Spleen Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76730Abdominal Aorta Echography (B-Mode, real time)25.00
76735Abdominal Aorta Sonography (B-Scan)55.00
76780Retroperitoneal Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76801Urinary bladder Sonography (B-Scan)40.00
76803Prostate Sonography (B-Scan)(30.00)
76150Scrotal Sonography (B-Scan)(30.00)
76816Pregnancy Diagnosis Sonography (B-Scan)30.00
76817Fetal Age Determination (Biparietal Diameter) Sonography (B-Scan) and/or femur length, total intrauterine volume-TIUV and abdominal measurements35.00
76815Fetal Growth Rate (series of 76817) Sonography (B-Scan)25.00
76818Placental Localization Sonography (B-Scan)40.00
76820Pregnancy Sonography, Complete (76816; 76817; 76818 combined) (B-Scan)55.00
76830Molar Pregnancy Diagnosis Sonography (B-Scan)40.00
76840Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosis Sonography (B-Scan)60.00
76947Amniocentesis, by Ultrasonic guidance (B-Scan, real time)(BR)
76841Intrauterine Contraceptive Device Sonography (B-Scan)40.00
76856Pelvic Mass Diagnosis Sonography (B-Scan)55.00
76900Arterial Flow Study, peripheral (Doppler)45.00
76922Venous Flow Study, peripheral (Doppler)(45.00)
76901Knee Sonography (B-Scan)(30.00)
76499Ultrasonic planning of radiation field (B-Scan)(35.00)
(5) Computerized tomography scans. The fees for CT Scans with enhancement include the cost of all tomograph scans of the same anatomical site performed at the same session prior to the administration of contrast material.
MMIS Code Maximum Fee
76101CT Scan, head only, multiple views, without enhancement; professional, administrative and technical components(120.00)
76102CT Scan, head only, multiple views, with enhancement; professional, administrative and technical components(145.00)
76103CT Scan, head only, multiple views, without enhancement; administrative and technical components(90.00)
76104CT Scan, head only, multiple views, without enhancement; professional component(30.00)
76105CT Scan, head only, multiple views, with enhancement; administrative and technical components(110.00)
76106CT Scan, head only, multiple views, with enhancement; professional component(35.00)
76107Body CT Scan, multiple views performed to investigate a specific anatomical region at the direction of an approved prescriber, without enhancement; includes administrative, technical and professional components(140.00)
76108Body CT Scan, multiple views performed to investigate a specific anatomical region at the direction of an approved prescriber, without enhancement; includes administrative and technical components(105.00)
76109Body CT Scan, multiple views performed to investigate a specific anatomical region at the direction of an approved prescriber, without enhancement; professional component(35.00)
76110Body CT Scan, multiple views performed to investigate a specific anatomical region at the direction of an approved prescriber, with enhancement; professional, administrative and technical components(170.00)
76111Body CT Scan, multiple views performed to investigate a specific anatomical region at the direction of an approved prescriber, with enhancement; includes administrative and technical components(130.00)
76112Body CT Scan, multiple views performed to investigate a specific anatomical region at the direction of an approved prescriber, with enhancement; professional component(40.00)
18 CRR-NY 533.6
Current through July 31, 2021
End of Document

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CONTENT CURRENCY: The "Current through" date indicated immediately above is the date of the most recently produced official NYCRR supplement covering this rule section. For later updates to this section, if any, please: consult editions of the NYS Register published after this date; or contact the NYS Department of State Division of Administrative Rules at [email protected]. See Help for additional information on the currency of this unofficial version of NYS Rules.