9 CRR-NY 182-1.2NY-CRR
9 CRR-NY 182-1.2
9 CRR-NY 182-1.2
182-1.2 Definitions.
For the purposes of this Subpart the terms:
(a) Applicant shall mean a municipality, agency, or other duly incorporated organization requesting to operate a runaway program.
(b) Approval shall mean that a proposed non-residential program is found to be in compliance with the requirements of this Subpart after submission to the office by the municipality as part of its comprehensive plan.
(c) Runaway and homeless youth crisis services program shall mean:
(1) any non-residential program approved by the office, after submission by the municipality as part of its comprehensive plan, that provides services to runaway and homeless youth in accordance with the regulations of the office; or
(2) any residential program which is operated by an authorized agency as defined in section 371(10) of the Social Services Law, and certified by the office to provide short-term residential services to runaway youth and homeless youth in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance and the office.
(d) Authorized agency shall mean any agency, association, corporation, institution, society or other organization as defined in section 371(10) of the Social Services Law.
(e) Capital improvements shall mean additions or modifications to buildings and real property which are required for compliance with the provisions of this Subpart.
(f) Case management shall mean the assessment and identification of client needs; the identification of available resources to meet client needs; the coordination, monitoring and evaluation of services for each client; and advocacy for a client to ensure that services and resources are accessible and provided.
(g) Certification shall mean the issuance of written authority by the division to an authorized agency to operate a residential facility in compliance with all requirements of this Subpart.
(h) County youth bureau shall mean an agency created by a county, and responsible to the chief executive officer thereof, for the purpose of planning, coordinating and supplementing the activities of public, private or religious agencies devoted in whole or in part to the well-being and protection of youth.
(i) Department shall mean the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, which has succeeded the New York State Department of Social Services.
(j) Division shall mean the New York State Office of Children and Family Services, which has succeeded the New York State Division for Youth.
(k) Homeless youth shall mean:
(1) a person under the age of 18 who is in need of services and is without a place of shelter where supervision and care are available; or
(2) a person who is under the age of 21 but at least 18 and who is need of services and is without a place of shelter; or
(3) a homeless young adult as defined under this Subpart when a municipality’s approved comprehensive plan authorizes that services pursuant to article 19-H of the Executive Law be provided to such individuals.
(l) In-kind services shall mean services or items which may be included by the county as part of its reimbursable expenditures for runaway and homeless youth programs.
(m) Interim family shall mean a person or persons providing temporary shelter in their home to runaway and homeless youth as part of an interim family program.
(n) Interim family home shall mean a private dwelling providing temporary shelter to a maximum of two runaway and homeless youth, under the age of 21 years, as part of an interim family program.
(o) Interim family program shall mean an authorized agency which operates a residential program to provide support services to runaway and homeless youth and to arrange for the temporary shelter of such youth through the sponsorship, inspection and supervision of interim family homes.
(p) Non-residential program shall mean a program operated to provide support services, exclusive of shelter, to runaway and homeless youth which is approved by the Division for Youth after submission by the county youth bureau as part of its comprehensive plan.
(q) Residential facility shall mean a runaway and homeless youth shelter or an interim family home.
(r) Residential program shall mean a residential facility operated by an authorized agency to provide both shelter and support services to runaway and homeless youth which is certified by the office.
(s) Runaway and homeless youth service coordinator shall mean any person designated by a county whose duties shall include, but shall not be limited to, answering inquiries at any time concerning transportation, shelter and other services available to a runaway and homeless youth.
(t) Runaway and homeless youth shelter shall mean a residential facility operated for a maximum of 20 youth, all of whom are either under the age of 18 years or between the ages of 16 and 21 years.
(u) Runaway youth shall mean a person under the age of 18 years who is absent from his or her legal residence without the consent of his or her parent, legal guardian or custodian.
(v) Office shall mean the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.
(w) Homeless young adult shall mean a person who is age 24 or younger but is at least age 21 and who is in need of services and is without a place of shelter.
9 CRR-NY 182-1.2
Current through September 15, 2021
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IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CONTENT CURRENCY: The "Current through" date indicated immediately above is the date of the most recently produced official NYCRR supplement covering this rule section. For later updates to this section, if any, please: consult editions of the NYS Register published after this date; or contact the NYS Department of State Division of Administrative Rules at [email protected]. See Help for additional information on the currency of this unofficial version of NYS Rules.