7 CRR-NY 270.2NY-CRR

7 CRR-NY 270.2
7 CRR-NY 270.2
270.2 Standards of incarcerated individual behavior.
The following is a list of prohibited behavior in all correctional facilities. Violation of any of the rules will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Rule 1.00Any Penal Law offense may be referred to law enforcement agencies for prosecution through the courts. In addition, departmental sanctions may be imposed based upon a criminal conviction.II, III
This rule does not preclude an incarcerated individual from being disciplined at any time for any violation of the following rules of conduct based upon the same incident.
1. Rule Series 100 Assault and Fighting.Tier
i.100.10An incarcerated individual shall not assault or inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm upon any other incarcerated individual.II, III
ii.100.11An incarcerated individual shall not assault or inflict or attempt to inflict bodily upon any staff member.II, III
iii.100.12An incarcerated individual shall not assault or inflict or attempt to inflict bodily harm upon any person not included in rules 100.10 and 100.11.II, III
iv.100.13An incarcerated individual shall not engage in fighting.I, II, III
v.100.14An incarcerated individual shall not practice or instruct others in martial arts (aikido, judo, karate, juijitsu, kung fu, t'ai chi ch'uan, etc.)I, II
vi.100.15An incarcerated individual shall not engage in unauthorized sparring, wrestling, body-punching, or other forms of disorderly conduct.I, II
2. Rule Series 101 Sex Offenses.Tier
i.101.10An incarcerated individual shall not engage in or encourage, solicit or attempt to force another to engage in sexual acts.I, II, III
ii.101.11An incarcerated individual shall not intentionally and forcibly touch the sexual or other intimate parts of an employee for the purpose of degrading or abusing such employee or for the purpose of gratifying the incarcerated individual's sexual desire. Forcible touching includes squeezing, grabbing, pinching and kissing.I, II, III
iii.101.20An incarcerated individual shall not engage in lewd conduct by intentionally masturbating in the presence of an employee, or intentionally exposing the private parts of his or her body unless as part of a strip frisk, strip search, medical examination or other authorized purpose.I, II, III
iv.101.21An incarcerated individual shall not engage in physical contact with another incarcerated individual. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, kissing, embracing or hand-holding.I, II
v.101.22An incarcerated individual shall not stalk an employee, visitor or other person. Stalking includes, but is not limited to, conduct directed at a specific employee, visitor or other person where the incarcerated individual knows, or reasonably should know, that such conduct is likely to cause reasonable fear of material harm to the physical health, safety or property of such person.I, II, III
3. Rule Series 102 Threats.Tier
i.102.10An incarcerated individual shall not, under any circumstances make any threat, spoken, in writing, or by gesture.I, II, III
4. Rule Series 103 Bribery and Extortion.Tier
i.103.10An incarcerated individual shall not bribe or extort or attempt to bribe or extort any person.I, II, III
ii.103.20An incarcerated individual shall not request or solicit goods or services from any business or any person other than an immediate family member without the consent and approval of the facility superintendent or designee.I, II
5. Rule Series 104 Riot, Disturbances and Demonstrations.Tier
i.104.10An incarcerated individual shall not conspire or take any action which is intended to or results in the takeover of any area of the facility.II, III
ii.104.11An incarcerated individual shall not engage in any violent conduct or conduct involving the threat of violence either individually or in a group.II, III
iii.104.12An incarcerated individual shall not lead, organize, participate, or urge other incarcerated individuals to participate, in a work-stoppage, sit-in, lock-in, or other actions which may be detrimental to the order of facility.II, III
iv.104.13An incarcerated individual shall not engage in conduct which disturbs the order of any part of the facility. This includes, but is not limited to, loud talking in a mess hall, program area or corridor, talking after the designated facility quiet time, playing a radio, television or tape player without a headphone or through a headphone in a loud or improper manner, or playing a musical instrument in a loud or improper manner.I, II
6. Rule Series 105 Unauthorized Assembly or Activity.Tier
i.105.10An incarcerated individual shall not form a group of incarcerated individuals or join an assembly of incarcerated individuals without authorization. The size of the group is determined by local policy.I, II
ii.105.11An incarcerated individual shall not conduct a religious service or make a speech or address without authorization by the superintendent or designee.I, II
iv.105.13An incarcerated individual shall not engage in or encourage others in gang activities or meetings, or display, wear, possess, distribute or use gang insignia or materials including, but not limited to, printed or handwritten gang or gang related material.I, II, III
Note: For purposes of this rule, a gang is a group of individuals, having a common identifying name, sign, symbol or colors, who have individually or collectively engaged in a pattern of lawlessness (e.g., violence, property destruction, threats of harm, intimidation, extortion, or drug smuggling) in one or more correctional facilities or that are generally recognized as having engaged in a pattern of lawlessness in the community as a whole. For purposes of this rule, printed or handwritten gang or gang related material is written material that, if observed in the incarcerated individual's possession, could result in an inference being drawn about the incarcerated individual's gang affiliation, but excludes published material that the incarcerated individual has obtained through the facility library or that has been approved for the incarcerated individual to possess through the media review process.
v.105.14An incarcerated individual shall not engage in or encourage others to engage in unauthorized organizational activities or meetings, or possess printed or handwritten material relating to an unauthorized organization where such material advocates either expressly or by clear implication, violence based upon race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, creed, law enforcement status or violence or acts of disobedience against department employees or that could facilities organizational activity within the institution by an unauthorized organization.I, II, III
Note: For purposes of this rule, an unauthorized organization is any organization which has not been approved by the deputy commissioner for program services. Printed or handwritten material that could facilitate organizational activity includes, but is not limited to, a membership roster, organizational chart, constitution or bylaws. This rule excludes possession of published material that the incarcerated individual has obtained through the facility library or that has been approved for the incarcerated individual to possess through the media review process. During the pendency of an application to obtain authorization for a proposed incarcerated individual organization, the rule also excludes specific printed or handwritten material that the Deputy Superintendent for Programs or higher ranking employee has requested in writing that the incarcerated individual submit as part of the application process.
7. Rule Series 106 Refusal to Obey a Direct Order.Tier
ii.106.11An incarcerated individual shall promptly obey an order by department personnel to provide a DNA sampleI, II
8. Rule Series 107 Interference with an Employee or Other Person.Tier
i.107.10An incarcerated individual shall not physically or verbally obstruct or interfere with an employee at any time.I, II, III
ii.107.11An incarcerated individual shall not harass an employee or any other person verbally or in writing. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to, using insolent, abusive, or obscene language or gestures, or writing or otherwise communicating messages of a personal nature to an employee or any other person including a person subject of an order of protection with the incarcerated individual or who is on the incarcerated individual's negative correspondence list.I, II
iii.107.20An incarcerated individual shall not lie or provide an incomplete, misleading and/or false statement or information.I, II
iv.107.21An incarcerated individual shall not file or record any document or instrument of any description which purports to create a lien or record a security interest of any kind against the person or property of any officer or employee of the department, the State of New York or the United States absent prior written authorization from the superintendent or a court order authorizing such filing.I, II
9. Rule Series 108 Escape and Abscondence.Tier
i.108.10An incarcerated individual shall not escape, attempt to escape, conspire to, or be an accessory to an escape from any correctional facility or correctional custody.III
ii.108.11An incarcerated individual shall not exceed the authorized limits of travel on any work release or furlough-type program.I, II
iii.108.12An incarcerated individual shall not exceed any time limit imposed on any work release or furlough-type program.I, II
iv.108.13An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of any article or paraphernalia which gives reasonable grounds to believe escape is planned.II, III
v.108.14An incarcerated individual shall comply with temporary release programming rules and regulations.I, II
vi.108.15An incarcerated individual shall not abscond, attempt to abscond, conspire to abscond, or be an accessory to an abscondence from temporary release from a correctional facility or correctional custody. An incarcerated individual is guilty of absconding when, as a temporary release participant, he or she intentionally fails to return at or before the time prescribed for return.II, III
10. Rule Series 109 Incarcerated Individual Movement.Tier
i.109.10An incarcerated individual shall not be out of place in any area of the facility.I, II
ii.109.11An incarcerated individual shall not leave an assigned area without authorization.I, II
iii.109.12An incarcerated individual shall follow all facility regulations and staff directions relating to movement within the facility. This includes, but is not limited to, seating, lock-in, lock-out, call slip procedures, and all activities of a similar nature.I, II
iv.109.13An incarcerated individual who is on an outside work assignment, such as a community service project or outside ground detail, shall not leave his or her assigned area or communicate with members of the public without authorization.I, II
v.109.14An incarcerated individual shall wear religious robes and garments at scheduled and approved religious ceremonies or services only.I, II
vi.109.15An incarcerated individual shall accept double-cell assignments when such an assignment is directed by facility staff.I, II
11. Rule Series 110 Incarcerated Individual Identification and Grooming.Tier
i.110.10Unless otherwise directed, an incarcerated individual shall at all times carry his or her departmental ID card and promptly produce the ID at the direction of any departmental employee.I, II
ii.110.20An incarcerated individual shall not alter, deface, or in any other way tamper with the issued ID card. Whenever replacement is required, as a result of this action, the replacement cost will be borne by the incarcerated individual. Refusal to voluntarily pay for replacement cost may result in restitution being imposed through the disciplinary process. I, II
iii.110.21An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of any type of an identification card or identification paper other than those authorized.I, II
iv.110.30An incarcerated individual shall report the loss of his or her ID card promptly to an employee. Reimbursement costs may be imposed.I, II
v.110.31An incarcerated individual shall pay the cost of a replacement ID card whenever the incarcerated individual's appearance is changed as a result of a beard, mustache, or change in hair length or color. Refusal to voluntarily pay for replacement cost may result in restitution being imposed through the disciplinary process.I, II
12. Rule Series 111 Impersonation.Tier
i.111.10An incarcerated individual shall not impersonate any employee or any other person in any manner.II, III
ii.111.11An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of any security key, badge, employee identification or employee clothing.II, III
13. Rule Series 112 Count Procedures.Tier
i.112.10An incarcerated individual shall not cause a miscount.I, II, III
ii.112.20An incarcerated individual shall not delay the count.I, II
iii.112.21An incarcerated individual shall comply with all facility count procedures.I, II
iv.112.22An incarcerated individual shall not obstruct visibility into his or her cell, room or cube.I, II
14. Rule Series 113 Contraband.Tier
i.113.10An incarcerated individual shall not make, possess, sell or exchange any item that may be classified as a weapon or dangerous instrument by description, use or appearance. A dangerous instrument is any instrument, article or substance which, under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing bodily harm.II, III
ii.113.11An incarcerated individual shall not possess any authorized item that has been altered in any manner so as to change its original intent and/or purpose.I, II
iv.113.14An incarcerated individual shall not possess outdated or unauthorized types or quantities of medication, nor shall an incarcerated individual sell, exchange or provide any medication to anyone.I, II
v.113.15An incarcerated individual shall not purchase, sell, loan, give or exchange a personally owned article without authorization.I, II
vi.113.16An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of stamps in excess of $22.50 in value, money, credit card, credit card numbers, check or unauthorized valuable or property.I, II
vii.113.17An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of jewelry other than that which is authorized by the facility.I, II
viii.113.18An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of a tool without authorization.I, II, III
ix.113.19An incarcerated individual shall not possess tobacco products in excess of an amount authorized by the facility. An incarcerated individual may not have more than two packages of cigarettes on his or her person other than for transporting tobacco products from the commissary or package room to the housing unit for storage.I, II
x.113.20An incarcerated individual shall not possess State clothing or bedding in excess of authorized issue. The altering of State-issued clothing or bedding is prohibited. An incarcerated individual shall be required to pay for State clothing or bedding that has been altered without authorization.I, II
xi.113.21An incarcerated individual shall not possess literature or any other material which has been disapproved by the Media Review Committee.I, II
xii.113.22An incarcerated individual shall not use or possess an article in an area where its use or possession if prohibited.I, II
xiii.113.23In addition to those items of contraband specifically identified by this rule series, an incarcerated individual shall not possess any item unless it has been specifically authorized by the superintendent or designee, the rules of the department or the local rules of the facility.I, II, III
xiv.113.24An incarcerated individual shall not use or be under the influence of any narcotics or controlled substances unless prescribed by a health service provider and then only in the amount prescribed. Note: For purposes of this rule, a controlled substance is any substance listed in section 3306 of the Public Health Law; section 812 of title 21 of the United States Code; sections 1308.11 through 1308.15 of title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations; or section 9.1 of Title 10 NYCRR.I, II
xvi.113.26An incarcerated individual shall not, without written authorization of the superintendent, solicit, possess or exchange personal identifying information (e.g. social security number, home address, private e-mail address or home telephone number) belonging to a person who is a present or former employee of the department or presently or formerly employed in a department facility, or to any member of the person's household, unless the incarcerated individual is an immediate family member of such person.II, III
xvii.113.27An incarcerated individual shall not solicit, possess or exchange any disciplinary or grievance document pertaining to another incarcerated individual, or any document which contains crime and sentence information pertaining to another incarcerated individual who is not a codefendant, without authorization from the superintendent.I, II
xviii.113.28An incarcerated individual shall not possess any description or depiction of any correctional facility; any facility post a description, staffing chart or related document; any Directive with a distribution code of "D" or any corresponding topical manual or facility policy and procedure.II, III
xix.113.29An incarcerated individual shall not possess poppy seeds or any product containing poppy seeds.I, II
xx.113.30An incarcerated individual shall not possess any Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) article 9 form, including but not limited to any financing statement (UCC1, UCC1Ad, UCC1AP, UCC3, UCC3Ad, UCC3AP, UCC1CAd), correction statement (UCC5) or information request (UCC11), whether printed, copied, typed or hand written, or any document concerning a scheme involving an incarcerated individual's “strawmen,” “House Joint Resolution 192 of 1933,” the “Redemptive Process,” “Acceptance for Value” presentments or document indicating copyright or attempted copyright of an incarcerated individual's name absent prior written authorization from the superintendent.I, II
xxi.113.31An incarcerated individual shall not use, possess or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or intoxicant, yeast, or any other fermenting agent.I, II
xxii.113.32An incarcerated individual shall not make, sell, or exchange any alcoholic beverage or intoxicant. Sale or exchange of yeast or any other fermenting agent is prohibited. An incarcerated individual shall not conspire with any person to introduce such items into the facility.I, II, III
xxiii.113.33An incarcerated individual shall not make, possess, sell or exchange any narcotic, narcotic paraphernalia, controlled substance or marijuana.I, II, III
xxiv.113.34An incarcerated individual shall not conspire with any person to introduce any narcotic, narcotic paraphernalia, controlled substance or marijuana into the facility.I, II, III
15. Rule Series 114 Smuggling.Tier
i.114.10An incarcerated individual shall not smuggle or attempt to smuggle or solicit others to smuggle any item in or out of the facility or from one area to another.I, II, III
16. Rule Series 115 Searches and Frisks.Tier
i.115.10An incarcerated individual shall comply with all frisk and search procedures.I, II
17. Rule Series 116 Destruction of, Tampering with, and Theft of Property.Tier
i.116.10An incarcerated individual shall not lose, destroy, steal, misuse, damage or waste any type of State property.I, II
ii.116.11An incarcerated individual shall not alter, tamper with or attempt to repair any type of State or personal property without authorization.I, II
iii.116.12An incarcerated individual shall not alter, forge or counterfeit any document. An incarcerated individual shall not distribute or be in possession of any departmental document without authorization.I, II
iv.116.13An incarcerated individual shall not steal, destroy or intentionally damage any property belonging to others or possess any stolen property.I, II
18. Rule Series 117 Explosion or Explosive Devices.Tier
i.117.10An incarcerated individual shall not cause or attempt to cause an explosion. The possession of an explosive device, material that can be used to make an explosive device, or material which depicts or describes the construction or use of an explosive device, is prohibited.II, III
19. Rule Series 118 Creating a Fire, Health or Safety Hazard.Tier
i.118.10An incarcerated individual shall not start or attempt to start a fire unless directed to do so by facility staff.II, III
ii.118.20An incarcerated individual shall not tattoo or otherwise permanently mark his or her or another's body, or allow his or her body to be tattooed or permanently marked by another. An incarcerated individual shall not be in possession of an instrument or device used for the purpose of making tattoos.I, II
iii.118.21An incarcerated individual shall not create a fire, health or safety hazard in any area of the facility by improperly storing or using flammable materials or other property, in his or her living quarters or any other area of the facility.I, II
iv.118.22An incarcerated individual shall not commit an unhygienic act such as spitting, urinating or defecating on the floor or any other area; propelling urine, feces, bodily fluids, water, or food; or storing urine, feces or bodily fluids.I, II, III
v.118.23An incarcerated individual shall promptly report illness or injury to a facility employee.I, II
vi.118.24An incarcerated individual shall follow posted safety regulations.I, II
viii.118.30An incarcerated individual shall maintain the cleanliness and orderliness of his her living quarters, clothing and person.I, II
ix.118.31An incarcerated individual shall not alter, rewire, tamper or attempt to repair electrical outlets or any electrical device.I, II
x.118.32An incarcerated individual shall participate in a fire drill or fire alarm in a prompt and orderly fashion.I, II
xi.118.33An incarcerated individual shall not intentionally cause flooding in his or her housing area or other part of the facility.I, II
20. Rule Series 119 False Alarms.Tier
i.119.10An incarcerated individual shall not make a false report of a fire, emergency, disturbance or other threat to the safety of a facility.II, III
ii.119.11An incarcerated individual shall not tamper with any fire or extinguishing device unless authorized by a facility staff member.I, II, III
21. Rule Series 120 Gambling.Tier
i.120.20An incarcerated individual shall not engage in any form of gambling, betting or wagering, or be in possession of gambling paraphernalia.I, II
22. Rule Series 121 Abuse of Telephone Privileges.Tier
i.121.10An incarcerated individual shall not communicate by telephone with any department employee without the authorization of the superintendent or designee.I, II
ii.121.11An incarcerated individual shall not engage in a telephone call to a telephone number which has been connected through call-forwarding or a call-forwarding service. Telephone calls and telephone conversations shall be restricted to the telephone number dialed or otherwise placed by or for the incarcerated individual. Telephone call-forwarding, the use of a call forwarding service or other third-party phone call function, and the use of a credit card to place a call are prohibited.I, II
iii.121.12An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by the staff regarding facility telephone programs pursuant to the requirements of departmental Directive No. 4423 (7 NYCRR Part 723).I, II
iv.121.13An incarcerated individual shall not use facility telephones without the authorization of facility staff. An incarcerated individual in an outside work gang or other type of supervised community project shall not use and outside telephone without the authorization of facility staff.I, II
v.121.14An incarcerated individual shall not exchange a personal identification number (PIN), or use the PIN of another incarcerated individual.I, II
23. Rule Series 122 Smoking.Tier
i.122.10An incarcerated individual may only smoke outdoors in designated areas.I, II
25. Rule Series 124 Mess Hall or Dining Areas.Tier
iii.124.12An incarcerated individual shall take all silverware or plasticware offered on the mess hall line and dispose of such items in accordance with facility policy.I, II
iv.124.13An incarcerated individual shall attend all mandatory meals as designated by facility policy.I, II
26. Rule Series 180 Miscellaneous Rules and Regulations.Tier
i.180.10An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by staff regarding facility visiting procedures pursuant to the requirements of departmental Directive No. 4403 (7 NYCRR Part 200).I, II
ii.180.11An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by staff regarding facility correspondence procedures pursuant to requirements of departmental Directive Nos. 4422 and 4421 (7 NYCRR Parts 720 and 721).I, II
iii.180.12An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by staff regarding facility package procedures pursuant to the requirements of departmental Directive No. 4911 (7 NYCRR Part 724).I, II
iv.180.13An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by staff regarding Family Reunion Program pursuant to the requirements of departmental Directive No. 4500 (7 NYCRR Part 220).I, II
v.180.14An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by staff regarding urinalysis testing pursuant to the requirements of departmental Directive No. 4937 (7 NYCRR Part 1020). This includes providing a urine sample when ordered to do so. I, II
vii.180.17An incarcerated individual may not provide legal assistance to another incarcerated individual without prior approval of the superintendent or designee. An incarcerated individual shall not receive any form of compensation for providing legal assistance.I, II
viii.180.18An incarcerated individual shall accept a program assignment in accordance with established facility program committee procedures.I, II
ix.180.19An incarcerated individual shall comply with and follow the guidelines and instructions given by staff regarding alcohol screening tests. This includes providing a urine sample or taking a field test when ordered to do so.I, II
27. Rule Series 181 Disciplinary Hearings.Tier
i.181.10An incarcerated individual shall comply with the dispositions imposed by a hearing officer in a Tier I, Tier II and Tier III hearings.I, II
In order to promote progressive discipline, the department shall establish disciplinary sanction guidelines which may include sanction ranges for certain charges based upon the level of seriousness of the offense. Disaggregation will not result in additional numbered charges under the department’s disciplinary rules, and previous offenses relating to the same numbered charge, regardless of disaggregation, will be considered “prior charges” for the purpose of determining whether a particular violation is a “first”, “second”, or “third” offense.
7 CRR-NY 270.2
Current through July 15, 2022
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