6 CRR-NY 482-1.2NY-CRR
6 CRR-NY 482-1.2
6 CRR-NY 482-1.2
482-1.2 What the department reviews to determine the air quality control program fee.
(a) In determining the annual program fee for a new emission point, the department will rely upon:
(1) Actual heat input information stated in section B of the most recent complete “Stationary Combustion Installation Application for Permit to Construct or Certificate to Operate” for combustion air contamination sources.
(2) Actual annual emissions information per air contaminant category (sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, total suspended particulates, oxides of nitrogen, other) stated in section F of the most recent complete “Process, Exhaust or Ventilation System Application for Permit to Construct or Certificate to Operate”, for process air contamination sources.
(3) Actual pounds per hour amount of refuse charged stated in section C of the most recent complete “Incinerator Application for Permit to Construct or Certificate to Operate” for incinerators or refuse burning air contamination sources.
(b) In determining the annual program fee for existing emission points, the department will rely upon information as listed in the Division of Air Resources on January 1 of the calendar year for which the fee is being charged or the information as stated on the most recent complete application for a permit to construct or certificate to operate on file with the department.
6 CRR-NY 482-1.2
Current through June 30, 2022
End of Document |
IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CONTENT CURRENCY: The "Current through" date indicated immediately above is the date of the most recently produced official NYCRR supplement covering this rule section. For later updates to this section, if any, please: consult editions of the NYS Register published after this date; or contact the NYS Department of State Division of Administrative Rules at [email protected]. See Help for additional information on the currency of this unofficial version of NYS Rules.