6 CRR-NY 182.5NY-CRR
6 CRR-NY 182.5
6 CRR-NY 182.5
182.5 Endangered species, threatened species and species of special concern.
(a) Endangered species.
Those endangered species that merit listing as endangered either based on the criteria for listing in sections 182.3(b) and (c) of this Part or because they are species listed as endangered by the United States Department of the Interior in the 50 Code of Federal Regulations part 17 (see section 182.1 of this Part) and are native to New York State include:
Common Name | Scientific Name |
(1) Molluscs: | |
(i) Dwarf wedgemussel | Alasmidonta heterodon |
(ii) Pink mucket | Lampsilies abrupta |
(iii) Clubshell | Pleurobema clava |
(iv) Fat pocketbook | Potamilus capax |
(v) Rayed bean | Villosa fabalis |
(vi) Chittenango ovate amber snail | Novisuccinea chittenangoensis |
(2) Insects: | |
(i) Tomah mayfly | Siphlonisca aerodromia |
(ii) American burying beetle | Nicrophorus americanus |
(iii) Hessel's hairstreak | Callophrys hesseli |
(iv) Karner blue | Lycaeides melissa samuelis |
(v) Regal fritillary | Speyeria idalia |
(vi) Persius duskywing | Erynnis persius |
(vii) Grizzled skipper | Pyrgus centaureae wyandot |
(viii) Arogos skipper | Atrytone arogos arogos |
(ix) Bog buckmoth | Hemileuca species 1 |
(x) Pine pinion moth | Lithophane lepida lepida |
(3) Fishes: | |
(i) Shortnose sturgeon | Acipenser brevirostrum |
(ii) Silver chub | Macrhybopsis storeriana |
(iii) Pugnose shiner | Notropis anogenus |
(iv) Round whitefish | Prosopium cylindraceum |
(v) Bluebreast darter | Etheostoma camurum |
(vi) Gilt darter | Percina evides |
(vii) Spoonhead sculpin | Cottus ricei |
(viii) Deepwater sculpin | Myoxocephalus thompsoni |
(4) Amphibians: | |
(i) Tiger salamander | Ambystoma tigrinum |
(ii) Northern cricket frog | Acris crepitans |
(5) Reptiles: | |
(i) Mud turtle | Kinosternon subrubrum |
(ii) Bog turtle | Clemmys muhlenbergii |
(iii) Hawksbill sea turtle | Eretmochelys imbricata |
(iv) Atlantic ridley sea turtle | Lepidochelys kempii |
(v) Leatherback sea turtle | Dermochelys coriacea |
(vi) Queen snake | Regina septemvittata |
(vii) Massasauga | Sistrurus catenatus |
(6) Birds: | |
(i) Golden eagle | Aquila chrysaetos |
(ii) Peregrine falcon | Falco peregrinus |
(iii) Spruce grouse | Falcipennis canadensis |
(iv) Black rail | Laterallus jamaicensis |
(v) Pipping plover | Charadrius melodus |
(vi) Eskimo curlew | Numenius borealis |
(vii) Roseate tern | Sterna dougallii dougallii |
(viii) Black tern | Chlidonias niger |
(ix) Short-eared owl | Asio flammeus |
(x) Loggerhead shrike | Lanius ludovicianus |
(7) Mammals: | |
(i) Indiana bat | Myotis sodalis |
(ii) Allegheny woodrat | Neotoma magister |
(iii) Sperm whale | Physeter catodon |
(iv) Sei whale | Balaenoptera borealis |
(v) Blue whale | Balaenoptera musculus |
(vi) Finback whale | Balaenoptera physalus |
(vii) Humpback whale | Megaptera novaeangliae |
(viii) Right whale | Eubalaena glacialis |
(ix) Gray wolf | Canis lupus |
(x) Cougar | Felis concolor |
(b) Threatened species.
Those species that merit listing as threatened either based on the criteria for listing in sections 182.3(b) and (c) of this Part or because they are species listed as threatened by the United States Department of the Interior in 50 Code of Federal Regulations part 17 (see section 182.1 of this Part) and are native to New York State include:
(1) Molluscs: | |
(i) Brook floater | Alasmidonta Varicosa |
(ii) Wavy-rayed lampmussel | Lampsilis fasciola |
(iii) Green floater | Lasmigona subviridis |
(2) Insects: | |
(i) Pine barrens bluet | Enallagma recurvatum |
(ii) Scarlet bluet | Enallagma pictum |
(iii) Little bluet | Enallagma minisculum |
(iv) Northeastern beach tiger beetle | Cicindela dorsalis dorsalis |
(v) Frosted elfin | Callophrys irus |
(3) Fishes: | |
(i) Lake sturgeon | Acipenser fulvescens |
(ii) Mooneye | Hiodon tergisus |
(iii) Lake chubsucker | Erimyzon sucetta |
(iv) Gravel chub | Erimystax x-punctata |
(v) Mud sunfish | Acantharchus pomotis |
(vi) Banded sunfish | Enneacanthus obesus |
(vii) Longear sunfish | Lepomis megalotis |
(viii) Eastern sand darter | Ammocrypta pellucida |
(ix) Swamp darter | Etheostoma fusiforme |
(x) Spotted darter | Etheostoma maculatum |
(xi) Longhead darter | Percina macrocephala |
(4) Amphibians: | |
None | |
(5) Reptiles: | |
(i) Blanding's turtle | Emydoidea blandingii |
(ii) Green sea turtle | Chelonia mydas |
(iii) Loggerhead sea turtle | Caretta caretta |
(iv) Fence lizard | Sceloporus undulatus |
(v) Timber rattlesnake | Crotalus horridus |
(6) Birds: | |
(i) Pied-billed grebe | Podilymbus podiceps |
(ii) Least bittern | Ixobrychus exilis |
(iii) Bald eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus |
(iv) Northern harrier | Circus cyaneus |
(v) King rail | Rallus elegans |
(vi) Upland sandpiper | Bartramia longicauda |
(vii) Common tern | Sterna hirundo |
(viii) Least tern | Sterna antillarum |
(ix) Sedge wern | Cistothorus platenis |
(x) Henslow's sparrow | Ammodramus henslowii |
(7) Mammals: | |
None |
(c) Species of special concern.
Those species that merit listing as species of special concern based on the criteria in section 182.4 of this Part and that are native to New York State include:
(1) Molluscs: | |
(i) Buffalo pebble snail | Gillia altilis |
(ii) Fringed valvata | Valvata lewisi |
(iii) Mossy valvata | Valvata sincera |
(2) Insects: | |
(i) Unnamed dragonfly species | Gomphus, spec. nov. |
(ii) Southern sprite | Nehalennia integricollis |
(iii) Extra striped snaketail | Ophiogomphus anomalus |
(iv) Pygmy snaketail | Ophiogomphus howei |
(v) Common sanddragon | Progomphus obscurus |
(vi) Gray petaltail | Tachopteryx thoreyi |
(vii) Checkered white | Pontia protodice |
(viii) Olympia marble | Euchloe olympia |
(ix) Henry's elfin | Callophrys henrici |
(x) Tawny crescent | Phyciodes batesii |
(xi) Mottled duskywing | Erynnis martialis |
(xii) Barrens buckmoth | Hemileuca maia |
(xiii) Herodias underwing | Catocala herodias gerhardi |
(xiv) Jair underwing | Catocala jair |
(xv) A noctuid moth | Heterocampa varia |
(3) Fishes: | |
(i) Mountain brook lamprey | Ichthyomyzon greeleyi |
(ii) Black redhorse | Moxostoma duquesnei |
(iii) Streamline chub | Erimystax dissimilis |
(iv) Redfin shiner | Lythrurus umbratilis |
(v) Ironcolor shiner | Notropis chalybaeus |
(4) Amphibians: | |
(i) Hellbender | Cryptobranchus alleganiensis |
(ii) Marbled salamander | Ambystoma opacum |
(iii) Jefferson salamander | Ambystoma jeffersonianum |
(iv) Blue-spotted salamander | Ambystoma laterale |
(v) Longtail salamander | Eurycea longicauda |
(vi) Eastern spadefoot toad | Scaphiopus holbrookii |
(vii) Southern leopard frog | Rana sphenocephala utricularius |
(5) Reptiles: | |
(i) Spotted turtle | Clemmys guttata |
(ii) Wood turtle | Clemmys insculpta |
(iii) Eastern box turtle | Terrapene carolina |
(iv) Eastern spiny softshell | Apalone spinifera |
(v) Eastern hognose snake | Heterodon platyrhinos |
(vi) Worm snake | Carphophis amoenus |
(6) Birds: | |
(i) Common loon | Gavia immer |
(ii) American bittern | Botaurus lentiginosus |
(iii) Osprey | Pandion haliaetus |
(iv) Sharp-shinned hawk | Accipiter striatus |
(v) Cooper's hawk | Accipiter cooperii |
(vi) Northern goshawk | Accipiter gentilis |
(vii) Red-shouldered hawk | Buteo lineatus |
(viii) Black skimmer | Rynchops niger |
(ix) Common nighthawk | Chordeiles minor |
(x) Whip-poor-will | Caprimulgus vociferus |
(xi) Red-headed woodpecker | Melanerpes erythrocephalus |
(xii) Horned lark | Eremophila alpestris |
(xiii) Bicknell's thrush | Catharus bicknelli |
(xiv) Golden-winged warbler | Vermivora chrysoptera |
(xv) Cerulean warbler | Dendroica cerulea |
(xvi) Yellow-breasted chat | Icteria virens |
(xvii) Vesper sparrow | Pooecetes gramineus |
(xviii) Grasshopper sparrow | Ammodramus savannarum |
(xix) Seaside sparrow | Ammodramus maritimus |
(7) Mammals: | |
(i) Small-footed bat | Myotis leibii |
(ii) New England cottontail | Sylvilagus transitionalis |
(iii) Harbor porpoise | Phocoena phocoena |
6 CRR-NY 182.5
Current through October 15, 2021
End of Document |
IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING CONTENT CURRENCY: The "Current through" date indicated immediately above is the date of the most recently produced official NYCRR supplement covering this rule section. For later updates to this section, if any, please: consult editions of the NYS Register published after this date; or contact the NYS Department of State Division of Administrative Rules at [email protected]. See Help for additional information on the currency of this unofficial version of NYS Rules.