Business Occupations and Professions
- Title 1. Definitions; General Provisions
- Title 2. Accountants
- Title 3. Architects
- Title 4. Barbers
- Title 5. Cosmetologists
- Title 5.5. Docking Masters [Repealed]
- Title 6. Electricians
- Title 6.5. Stationary Engineers
- Title 7. Foresters
- Title 8. Certified Interior Designers
- Title 8.5. Certified Interior Designers [Renumbered]
- Title 9. Landscape Architects
- Title 9.5. Crane Operators
- Title 10. Lawyers
- Title 10.5. Oil and Gas Land Professionals
- Title 11. Pilots
- Title 12. Plumbers
- Title 13. Private Detectives
- Title 14. Professional Engineers
- Title 15. Professional Land Surveyors
- Title 15.5. Real Estate Appraisers [Renumbered]
- Title 16. Real Estate Appraisers, Appraisal Management Companies, and Home Inspectors
- Title 17. Real Estate Brokers
- Title 18. Security Systems Technicians
- Title 19. Security Guard Agencies and Security Guard Certification
- Title 20. Private Home Detention
- Title 21. Individual Tax Preparers