Title 11. Trade Regulation
- Subtitle 1—Foreign Discriminatory Boycotts Act
- Subtitle 2—Antitrust
- Subtitle 3—Gasohol and Gasoline Products Marketing Act
- Subtitle 4—Sales Below Cost Act
- Subtitle 5—Cigarette Sales Below Cost Act
- Subtitle 5a—Sales of Unpackaged Cigarettes
- Subtitle 6—Liquefied Petroleum Gas Containers
- Subtitle 7—False Advertising
- Subtitle 8—Consignees
- Subtitle 8a—Consignment of Works of Fine Art
- Subtitle 9—Miscellaneous Provisions
- Subtitle 10—Hulls of Vessels
- Subtitle 11—Distress Sales
- Subtitle 12—Maryland Uniform Trade Secrets Act
- Subtitle 13—Maryland Fair Distributorship Act
- Subtitle 14—Copyright Royalties
- Subtitle 15—Truth in Music Advertising Act
- Subtitle 16—Bad Faith Assertions of Patent Infringement