Subtitle 4—Creation, Validity, Modification, and Termination of Trust
- MD Est & Trst T. 14.5, Subt. 4, Refs & Annos
- § 14.5–401. Creation of Trust
- § 14.5–402. Intent and Capacity of Settlor to Create a Trust
- § 14.5–403. Trusts Not Created by Wills
- § 14.5–404. Trusts Created for Lawful Purposes and to Benefit Beneficiaries
- § 14.5–405. Void Trusts
- § 14.5–406. Oral Trusts
- § 14.5–407. Trusts Created to Care for Animals
- § 14.5–408. Trusts Created for Noncharitable Purposes
- § 14.5–409. Termination of Trust
- § 14.5–410. Termination of Noncharitable Irrevocable Trusts
- § 14.5–411. Modification or Termination of Trust in Furtherance of Purposes of Trust
- § 14.5–412. Termination of Trust if the Fair Market Value of the Trust is $100,000 or Less
- § 14.5–413. Reformation of Terms by Court
- § 14.5–414. Modification of Terms to Achieve Tax Objectives of Settlor
- § 14.5–415. Division or Consolidation of Trusts