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Rule 12 Withdrawal of attorneys

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated13th Judicial District - Garrard, Jessamine and Lincoln District Courts

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated
13th Judicial District - Garrard, Jessamine and Lincoln District Courts
KY RGSD Rule 12
Rule 12 Withdrawal of attorneys
In any case in the Thirteenth Judicial District, an attorney who has appeared at any stage of the proceeding in the case who has been noted as attorney of record by the Clerk, may not hereafter withdraw as attorney of record in that pending case or fail to appear at any subsequent proceeding in that case, unless the attorney has appeared before the Court seeking permission to withdraw as counsel of record. If a notice of appeal has been filed of record in a civil or criminal matter, the attorney will not be permitted to withdraw as attorney of record until the appeal has been perfected or dismissed by the Circuit Court. If the Court, at a hearing, grants the motion, the attorney permitted to withdraw as attorney of record shall tender to the Court an order permitting the attorney's withdrawal.
In all divisions of the Court, the motion shall be in writing and properly noticed for hearing before the Court. In criminal and traffic cases, the notice to the defendant/client shall inform the defendant that he/she must personally appear in court for the hearing on the motion to withdraw if substitute counsel has not entered an appearance by that time.


HISTORY: Amended effective January 10, 2008; March 5, 2013.
Garrard and Jessamine District Court Rule 12, KY R GARRARD JESSAMINE DIST CT Rule 12
Current with amendments received through September 15, 2024. Some rules may be more current, see credits for details.
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