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Rule 302 Exceptions to regular motion hour schedule

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated30th Judicial Circuit - Jefferson Circuit Court

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated
30th Judicial Circuit - Jefferson Circuit Court
Rule 3. Motion Hour
KY JPR Rule 302
Rule 302 Exceptions to regular motion hour schedule
There shall be no motion hour during the week of a Judicial College. Whenever a state holiday falls on a Monday, the motion hour shall be held on the following Tuesday. If the court is closed for any unforeseen reason, i.e. inclement weather, the Motion Hour shall be passed to the following Monday.


HISTORY: Amended effective July 11, 2006; prior amendments effective December 17, 2004; approved January 21, 1999; for effective date provision, see Rule 102.
Jefferson Circuit Court Rule 302, KY R JEFFERSON CIR CT Rule 302
Current with amendments received through September 15, 2024. Some rules may be more current, see credits for details.
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