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AP IX, Sec. 17 Procedure for requesting translation of a Court of Justice document or publicati...

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes AnnotatedAdministrative Procedures of the Court of Justice

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated
Administrative Procedures of the Court of Justice
Part IX. Procedures for Appointment of Interpreters
Administrative Procedures, AP IX, Sec. 17
AP IX, Sec. 17 Procedure for requesting translation of a Court of Justice document or publication
(1) To request and obtain translation of a Court of Justice document or publication, the appointing/requesting authority or his or her designee shall follow the appropriate protocol, which can be found at: http://courts.ky.gov/courtprograms/CIS/Pages/default.aspx. The following procedure applies to requesting translation services.
(2) The appointing/requesting authority or his or her designee shall submit all requests for translation services to the Office of Translation Services.
(3) Upon receipt of a request for translation services, the Office of Translation Services will take the following actions:
(a) The Office of Translation Services will consult with the Manager of the Office of Language Access and/or appropriate designee of the AOC Office of Legal Services to determine whether the document submitted for translation is a vital document.
(b) If the document submitted for translation is determined to be a vital document, the Office of Translation Services will consult with the AOC Forms Administrator and/or appropriate designee of the AOC Office of Legal Services to determine whether or not a translation of the submitted document already exists in the requested foreign language.
(c) If the document submitted for translation is determined to be a vital document and no translation currently exists in the requested foreign language, the Office of Translation Services will proceed to coordinate the translation of the document while keeping the appointing/requesting authority apprised of the progress of the translation.
(d) If it is determined that the document submitted for translation is not a vital document or that a translation of the submitted document or substantially similar document already exists, the Office of Translation Services will deny the request, inform the appointing/requesting authority of the reason(s) for denial, and, when applicable, provide the existing translation of the submitted document or substantially similar document to the appointing/requesting authority.
(4) When feasible, all requests for translation services must be submitted to the Office of Translation Services at least two weeks in advance in order to ensure adequate time for arrangements to be made. The number and availability of qualified translators varies and cannot be fully controlled by the Court of Justice. In the event a qualified translator is not available, the Office of Translation Services will work with the original appointing/requesting authority to identify alternative language access services. If applicable, the court will grant a continuance as may be appropriate or necessary.


HISTORY: Adopted by Order 2017-15, eff. 1-1-18.
Administrative Procedures, AP IX, Sec. 17, KY ST ADMIN P AP IX, Sec. 17
Current with amendments received through June 1, 2024. Some sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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