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AP XVII, Sec. 5 Denial of public access for cause

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes AnnotatedAdministrative Procedures of the Court of Justice

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated
Administrative Procedures of the Court of Justice
Part XVII. Open Records Policy of the Administrative Office of the Courts
Administrative Procedures, Sec. 5
AP XVII, Sec. 5 Denial of public access for cause
The custodian may deny access, in whole or in part, to administrative records:
(1) When the request to inspect places an unreasonable burden in producing administrative records or otherwise disrupts or compromises the business of the court, or when the custodian has reason to believe that repeated requests are intended to disrupt other essential functions of the Court of Justice. However, refusal under this paragraph must be sustained by clear and convincing evidence;
(2) When the request to inspect is advanced primarily for a commercial purpose of the requesting entity and the request does not advance primarily a public interest or a legitimate private interest; or
(3) To any individual who has previously been convicted of stealing, destroying, defacing, or tampering with records or has refused to comply with statutes or court rules, policies, or orders concerning records.


HISTORY: Adopted by Order 2017-09, eff. 8-10-17
Administrative Procedures, Sec. 5, KY ST ADMIN P Sec. 5
Current with amendments received through June 1, 2024. Some sections may be more current, see credits for details.
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