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AP XVIII Preamble

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes AnnotatedAdministrative Procedures of the Court of Justice

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated
Administrative Procedures of the Court of Justice
Part XVIII. Application of the Code of Professional Responsibility for Sworn Proceedings Interpreters
Administrative Procedures, AP XVIII, Preamble
AP XVIII Preamble
Many people who come before the courts are partially or completely excluded from full participation in the proceedings because they are deaf or hard of hearing or otherwise disabled, have limited or no English proficiency, or are unable to speak. It is essential that the communication barrier be removed to the maximum extent reasonably possible so that such individuals are allowed the same opportunity to participate as similarly situated persons for whom no such barrier exists. As impartial officers of the court, sworn proceedings interpreters help assure that such persons enjoy equal access to justice and that court proceedings and court support services function efficiently and effectively. Sworn proceedings interpreters are highly skilled professionals who fulfill an essential role in the administration of justice. Underlying all these principles is the desire to ensure, for all, the right to communicate effectively with Court of Justice officials, personnel, and programs presiding over, conducting, or involved in all court proceedings and direct services.


HISTORY: Adopted by Order 2017-16, eff. 1-1-18
Administrative Procedures, AP XVIII, Preamble, KY ST ADMIN P AP XVIII, Preamble
Current with amendments received through June 1, 2024. Some sections may be more current, see credits for details.
End of Document