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Rule 404 Motions for attorney's fees

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated30th Judicial Circuit - Jefferson Circuit Court

Baldwin's Kentucky Revised Statutes Annotated
30th Judicial Circuit - Jefferson Circuit Court
Rule 4. Motion Practice
KY JPR Rule 404
Rule 404 Motions for attorney's fees
All motions for attorney's fees shall be accompanied by an affidavit of counsel setting forth in detail the dates of the services rendered, the exact nature of the service rendered on each date, the names of the persons rendering the service (if paralegal or other counsel of record), and the number of hours (or fractions thereof) rendered by each person. The number of hours shall be totaled, and a suggested reasonable amount of compensation per hour shall be set forth. The affidavit must also disclose the statute or other authority supporting the requested award of an attorney's fee. If the applicable statute is KRS 411.195, then the affidavit must also contain a showing that the required attorney's fee was actually paid, or was agreed to be paid, by the party enforcing the written obligation. When a party seeking an award of an attorney's fee relies upon a writing to establish entitlement to the fee, a copy of the writing shall be attached with the applicable portion highlighted.


HISTORY: Amended effective July 11, 2006; approved January 21, 1999; for effective date provision, see Rule 102.
Jefferson Circuit Court Rule 404, KY R JEFFERSON CIR CT Rule 404
Current with amendments received through September 15, 2024. Some rules may be more current, see credits for details.
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