433 Search Results for: 'advanced%3a%20ci%28%2214%20ca%20adc%20s%2015378%22%29'

  1. 121. 8 CCR § 5447
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 4. Division of Industrial Safety Subchapter 7. General Industry Safety Orders Group 20. Flammable Liquids, Gases and Vapors Article 137. Spray Coating Operations, § 5447. Dry Type Overspray Collectors (Exhaust Air Filters).
  2. 122. 8 CCR § 7086
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 4. Division of Industrial Safety Subchapter 17. Mine Safety Orders Article 30. Rescue Stations and Equipment Underground, § 7086. (4-70). Use of Mine Rescue Equipment.
  3. 123. 8 CCR § 8427
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 4. Division of Industrial Safety Subchapter 20. Tunnel Safety Orders Article 9. Emergency Plan and Precautions, § 8427. Protection Against Water or Gas.
  4. 124. 8 CCR § 13622
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 6. Division of Labor Standards Enforcement Subchapter 7. Industrial Homework Article 2. Prohibiting Industrial Homework in the Garment Manufacturing Industry, § 13622. Special Authorization for Aged and Disabled Homeworkers.
  5. 125. 8 CCR § 13665
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 6. Division of Labor Standards Enforcement Subchapter 9. Farm Labor Contractors Article 2. Educational Classes for Farm Labor Contractors, § 13665. Education Program Approval; Course Criteria; List of Approved Courses.
  6. 126. 8 CCR § 15476
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 8. Office of the Director Subchapter 2. Administration of Self-Insurance Plans Article 13. Group Self-Insurance, § 15476. Advanced Contribution Discounts.
  7. 127. 8 CCR § 15609
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 8. Industrial Relations Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations Chapter 8. Office of the Director Subchapter 2.06. Workers' Compensation-Administration Revolving Fund Assessment, Uninsured Employers Benefits Trust Fund Assessment, Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund Assessments, Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund Assessment, Occupational Safety and Health Fund Assessment, and Fraud Surcharge Article 3. Collection of Assessments and/or Surcharges, § 15609. Credit for Undercollection.
  8. 128. 9 CCR § 7154
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 9. Rehabilitative and Developmental Services Division 3. Department of Rehabilitation Chapter 3. Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Individuals with Disabilities Article 3. Training and Job Coaching Services, § 7154. Training Services.
  9. 129. 9 CCR § 7300
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 9. Rehabilitative and Developmental Services Division 3. Department of Rehabilitation Chapter 8. Standards for Facilities and Providers of Service Article 3. Personal Services Providers, § 7300. Interpreters.
  10. 130. 10 CCR § 40.603
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 1. Commissioner of Business Oversight, Division of Financial Institutions Subchapter 40. Industrial Loans Article 6. Loans and Obligations Receivable, § 40.603. Factoring and Accounts Receivable Financing.
  11. 131. 10 CCR § 40.606
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 1. Commissioner of Business Oversight, Division of Financial Institutions Subchapter 40. Industrial Loans Article 6. Loans and Obligations Receivable, § 40.606. Acceleration of Repayment: Limitations.
  12. 132. 10 CCR § 104.306
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 2. Savings and Loan Commissioner Subchapter 4. Operations--General Article 1. Advertising, § 104.306. Qualifications for Appraiser III.
  13. 133. 10 CCR § 104.308
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 2. Savings and Loan Commissioner Subchapter 4. Operations--General Article 1. Advertising, § 104.308. Qualifications for Appraiser IV.
  14. 134. 10 CCR § 107.603
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 2. Savings and Loan Commissioner Subchapter 7. Operations--Loans Article 6. Insurance in Connection with Sales, Loans and Advances of Credit, § 107.603. Advance of Credit for Life or Disability Insurance in Connection with Loans Made.
  15. 135. 10 CCR § 107.700
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 2. Savings and Loan Commissioner Subchapter 7. Operations--Loans Article 7. Modification Agreements, § 107.700. Terms Defined.
  16. 136. 10 CCR § 110.214
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 2. Savings and Loan Commissioner Subchapter 10. Escrow Operations Article 2. Escrow Operations, § 110.214. Unlawful Commissions, Referral Fees, etc.; Other Prohibited Arrangements.
  17. 137. 10 CCR § 260.105.23
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 3. Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation Subchapter 2. Corporate Securities Article 2. Exemptions from Qualification, § 260.105.23. Exemption for Advances to Corporations.
  18. 138. 10 CCR §
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 3. Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation Subchapter 2. Corporate Securities Article 4. Standards for the Exercise of the Commissioner's Authority Subarticle 10. Real Estate Programs Requirements of Sponsors, § Liability and Indemnification.
  19. 139. 10 CCR § 921
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 3. Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation Subchapter 3. Commercial Financing Disclosures., § 921. Thresholds for Disclosure.
  20. 140. 10 CCR § 1620.08
    Barclays California Code of Regulations Title 10. Investment Chapter 3. Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation Subchapter 6. California Financing Law Article 15. Pace Program Administrators, § 1620.08. Complaint Processes and Procedures.

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