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§ 2626-1. Eligibility--Nursing Mother.

22 CA ADC § 2626-1Barclays Official California Code of Regulations

Barclays California Code of Regulations
Title 22. Social Security
Division 1. Employment Development Department (Refs & Annos)
Subdivision 1. Director of Employment Development (Refs & Annos)
Division 1. Unemployment and Disability Compensation
Part 2. Disability Compensation
Chapter 2. Disability Benefits
Article 1. Eligibility
22 CCR § 2626-1
§ 2626-1. Eligibility--Nursing Mother.
(a) A nursing mother who except for the act of breast-feeding is otherwise able to perform her regular or customary work shall be deemed “disabled” as that term is used in subdivision (a) of Section 2626 of the code only if one of the following conditions exists:
(1) The act of breast-feeding or nursing the infant induces a physical condition in the claimant that prevents her from performing her regular or customary work and this physical condition is supported by a certificate which meets the requirements of Section 2708 of the code.
(2) The act of breast-feeding is medically essential in sustaining the life of the infant and the mother is disabled from an anxiety reaction resulting therefrom which is supported by a certificate which meets the requirements of Section 2708 of the code.
(b) Except when subdivision (a) of this section applies, neither the difficulties of lactation nor the impracticality of breast-feeding, shall constitute a “disability” within the meaning of subdivision (a) of Section 2626 of the code.


Note: Authority cited: Sections 305, 306 and 2602, Unemployment Insurance Code. Reference: Sections 2626, 2627 and 2708, Unemployment Insurance Code.
1. New section filed 8-24-92; operative 9-23-92 (Register 92, No. 35).
This database is current through 8/23/24 Register 2024, No. 34.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 22, § 2626-1, 22 CA ADC § 2626-1
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