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§ 8210. Split Sample Testing Option.

15 CA ADC § 8210Barclays Official California Code of Regulations

Barclays California Code of Regulations
Title 15. Crime Prevention and Corrections
Division 8. California Prison Industry Authority
Chapter 1. Rules and Regulations of California Prison Industry Authority
Article 6.1. Personnel Substance Abuse Testing
15 CCR § 8210
§ 8210. Split Sample Testing Option.
(a) In the event of a positive test result, the MRO will inform the employee by telephone or in-person, by written notice via U.S. Mail, and if available, email, of the employee's option to request an analysis of the split sample (Bottle B). In making this notification for a split sample testing option, the MRO informs the employee of the option to test the split sample at another SAMHSA certified laboratory for test confirmation and the seventy-two (72) hours deadline to make this request from the actual receipt of notification by the MRO of the initial positive test result.
(b) The MRO will provide the employee with a telephone number, facsimile, email, and physical and mailing address to which the employee make this request for split sample testing. The MRO shall provide this information personally to the employee in-person or by telephone (may not be left as a message), and in writing, by U.S. mail and by email if possible and if requested by the employee. The MRO may extend the seventy-two (72) hour request time period for the employee to request split sample testing. In the event the testing of the split sample (Bottle B) fails to reconfirm the result reported by the laboratory that tested the original sample (Bottle A), both tests are cancelled. An employee's request may be oral or in writing.
(c) After the employee requests a split sample retest or conducting a confirmatory test, the MRO will cause the retest of an aliquot of a single specimen, or testing Bottle B of a split specimen at a second laboratory. Upon receiving results from the second laboratory, the MR will provide them to the employee without delay.
(d) The MRO will conduct all testing consistent with medical standards, the SAMSHA Medical Review Officer Guidance Manual -- 2017, issued by the SAMSHA, SAMSHA testing guidelines, and 49 CFR Part 40.
(e) If an employee requests that Bottle B be tested or that an aliquot of a single specimen be retested, and either Bottle B or the single specimen are not available due to circumstances outside of the employee's control, the MRO shall cancel the test and inform CALPIA that another collection is required.


Note: Authority cited: Sections 2801 and 2809, Penal Code; and Sections 11349(e) and 19572, Government Code. Reference: Sections 2801 and 2809.
1. New section filed 11-13-2018; operative 1-1-2019 (Register 2018, No. 46).
This database is current through 8/30/24 Register 2024, No. 35.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 15, § 8210, 15 CA ADC § 8210
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