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§ 22707. Continued Compliance Verification.

2 CA ADC § 22707Barclays Official California Code of Regulations

Barclays California Code of Regulations
Title 2. Administration
Division 7. Secretary of State
Chapter 16. Political Reform
Article 1. Cal-Access Software Vendor Certification
2 CCR § 22707
§ 22707. Continued Compliance Verification.
(a) To ensure continued compliance with this Article, the Secretary of State may request that a certified software vendor conduct updated interface testing of its electronic filing system. The purpose of this testing is to ensure that all data in CAL-ACCESS sent by the certified software vendor's electronic filing system is consistent with the data verified and signed by the filer in the certified software vendor's electronic filing system.
(b) The Secretary of State will notify a certified software vendor at least ten (10) business days before conducting interface testing with the certified software vendor's electronic filing system. However, the testing may begin earlier than that planned date if the certified software vendor agrees.
(c) Testing for continued compliance verification will be the same type of testing that is done for certifying a software vendor, as described in Section 22703.
(d) If continued compliance verification shows deficiencies in data sent to CAL-ACCESS, the certified software vendor shall submit corrected data for previous filings to the Secretary of State immediately, by any method specified by the Secretary of State, and follow the resolution procedure in Section 22706 to prevent further data discrepancies.


Note: Authority cited: Section 84602, Government Code. Reference: Section 84602, Government Code.
1. New section filed 11-12-2020; operative 11-12-2020 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2020, No. 46). Filing deadline specified in Government Code section 11349.3(a) extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20.
This database is current through 8/30/24 Register 2024, No. 35.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 2, § 22707, 2 CA ADC § 22707
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