Figure 8.10 and Tables 8.2 through 8.5
23 CA ADC § 131 Fig.-Tbls.Barclays Official California Code of Regulations
23 CCR § 131 Fig.-Tbls.
Figure 8.10 and Tables 8.2 through 8.5
Table 8.2
Partial List of Trees Suitable for Oversize Levees
Alder, white | Alnus rhombifolia |
Box Elder | Acer negundo |
California pepper tree (male only) | Schinus molle |
Carob tree (male only) | Ceratonia siliqua |
China-berry | Melia azedarach |
Chinese pistache | Pistacia chinensis |
Coast beefwood | Casuarina stricta |
Common catalpa | Catalpa bignonioides |
Crape myrtle | Lagerstroemia indica |
Dogwood, giant | Cornus controversa |
Dogwood, Western | Cornus nuttallii |
Fremont cottonwood (male only) | Populus fremontii |
Goldenrain tree | Koelreuteria paniculata |
Hackberry, Chinese | Celtis sinenis |
Hackberry, common | Celtis occidentalis |
Hackberry, European | Celtis australis |
Maidenhair tree (male only) | Gingko biloba |
Mayten tree | Maytenus boaria |
Montezuma cypress | Taxodium mucrontum |
Oak | Ouercus spp.* |
Pagoda tree | Sophora japonica |
Redbud, western | Cercis occidentalis |
Redbud, eastern | Cercis canadensis |
Sawleaf zelkova | Zelkova serrata |
Silk tree | Albizia julibrissin |
Strawberry tree | Arbutus unedo or Arbutus “marina” |
Tallow tree | Sapium sebiferum |
Tupelo | Nyssa sylvatica |
* spp. = species
Table 8.3
Partial List of Trees Unsuitable on Levees
Acacia, Bailey | Acacia baileyana |
Acacia, kangaroo thorn | Acacia armata |
Almond | Prunus dulcis |
Apple, crabapple | Malus spp.* |
Apricot | Prunus armeniaca |
Ash, Arizona | Fraxinus velutina |
Ash, flowering | Fraxinus ornus |
Ash, Modesto | Fraxinum velutina “Modesto” |
Blue gum | Eucalyptus globulus |
Cedar** | Cedrus spp.* |
Cherry | Prunus ayium |
Chinese jujube | Zizyphus jujube |
Chinese wingnut | Pterocarya stenoptera |
Citrus | Citrus spp.* |
Coast redwood | Sequoia sempervirens |
Colorado spruce | Picea pungens |
Cypress** | Cupressus spp.* |
Date palm | Phoenix spp.* |
Elm | Ulmus spp.* |
Fan palm | Washingtonia spp.* |
Fig | Ficus carica |
Fir** | Abies spp.* |
Giant sequoia | Sequoiadendron giganteum |
Grape | Vitis spp.* |
Hawthorn | Crataegus spp.* |
Incense cedar** | Calocedrus decurrens |
Locust | Robinia spp.* |
Loquat | Eriobotrya spp.* |
Olive | Olea europaea |
Osage orange | Maclura pomifera |
Peach and nectarine | Prunus perica |
Pecan | Carya illinoinensis |
Persimmon | Diospyros spp.* |
Pine** | Pinus spp.* |
Plum and prune | Prunus domestica, salicina |
Pomegranate | Punica granatum |
Quince | Cydonia oblonga |
Russian olive | Elaegnus augustifolia |
Salt Cedar | Tamarisk gallica |
Tree of heaven | Ailanthus altissima |
Walnut | Juglans spp.* |
* spp. = species
** Conifers whose normal mature height is 50 feet or less may be considered desirable under maintenance conditions that (1) protect the tree from drought, and (2) will assure proper pruning of the lower branches.
Table 8.4
Partial List of Ground Covers Suitable on Levees
Aaron's Beard** | Hypericum calycinum |
Alyssum | Alyssum spp.* |
Basket-of-gold | Aurinia saxatile |
Bermuda Grass | Cynodon dactylon “tifgreen” Cynodon dactylon “coastal” Cynodon dactylon “Tufcote” |
Blue-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium bellum |
California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica |
Cape weed | Arctotheca calendula |
Creeping wild rye** | Elymus triticoides |
English Ivy, miniature** | Hedera helix, hahni |
Garden lippia | Phyla nodiflora Lippia nodiflora |
Gazania, trailing** | Gazania spp.* |
Green carpet | Herniaria glabra |
Lupine, dwarf | Lupinus bicolor |
Mexican evening primrose** | Oenothera berlandieri |
Palestine orchardgrass | Dactylis glomerotoa “Palestine” |
Salt grass | Distichlis spicata |
Spring Cinquefoil | Potentilla tabernaemontanii |
Stonecrop | Sedum spp.* |
Trailing African daisy | Osteospermum fruticosum |
Verbena | Verbena peruviana |
Yellow-eyed grass | Sisyrinchium californicum |
* spp. = species
** These species have specific requirements for being cut back or otherwise maintained on a regular basis depending on the species.
Table 8.5
Partial List of Ground Covers and Miscellaneous Species Unsuitable on Levees
Bamboo | Bambusa spp.* |
Blackberry/Raspberry | Rubus spp.* |
Broom | Cytisus spp.* |
Cactus | Cactaceae spp.* |
Century Plant | Agave americana |
False Bamboo, Common Reed | Phragmites communis |
Freeway Iceplant | Carpobrotus spp.* |
Grape | Vitus spp.* |
Honeysuckle | Lonicera spp.* |
Horsetail | Equisetum hyemale |
Ice Plant, Rosea | Drosanthemum floribundum |
Ice Plant, trailing | Lampranthus, spectabulis |
Ivy, Algerian | Hedera canariensis |
Ivy, Persian | Hedera colchica |
Ivy, English | Hederal helix |
except miniature or | |
dwarf varieties | |
Pampas grass | Cortaderia selloana |
Periwinkle | Vinca spp.* |
Perla Grass | Phalaris tuberosa var. hirtiglumis |
Rose | Rosa spp.* |
* spp. = species
This database is current through 8/30/24 Register 2024, No. 35.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 23, § 131 Fig.-Tbls., 23 CA ADC § 131 Fig.-Tbls.
End of Document |