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§ 3085.18. Capacity and Data Plates [Rule 1502.8].

8 CA ADC § 3085.18Barclays Official California Code of Regulations

Barclays California Code of Regulations
Title 8. Industrial Relations
Division 1. Department of Industrial Relations
Chapter 4. Division of Industrial Safety
Subchapter 6. Elevator Safety Orders
Group II. Elevator Installations for Which the Installation Contract Was Signed Before October 25, 1998 (Refs & Annos)
Article 12.3. Special Purpose Personnel Elevators
8 CCR § 3085.18
§ 3085.18. Capacity and Data Plates [Rule 1502.8].
(a) Capacity and data plates, conforming to the requirements of subsection 3037(c), shall be provided.
Exception to subsection 3085.18(a): For cars having no crosshead, the data plate shall be located inside the car.
(b) A conspicuous sign shall be posted that will convey the message that use of the elevator is limited to authorized personnel only.
(Title 24, Part 7, Section 7-3085.18)


Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
This database is current through 8/30/24 Register 2024, No. 35.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 8, § 3085.18, 8 CA ADC § 3085.18
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