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§ 599.777. Exhausting of Leave Credits -- Excluded Employees.

2 CA ADC § 599.777Barclays Official California Code of Regulations

Barclays California Code of Regulations
Title 2. Administration
Division 1. Administrative Personnel
Chapter 3. Department of Human Resources (Refs & Annos)
Subchapter 1. General Civil Service Rules
Article 12. Nonindustrial Disability Insurance
2 CCR § 599.777
§ 599.777. Exhausting of Leave Credits -- Excluded Employees.
An excluded employee is defined in section 599.615(b) of these regulations.
(a) As of August 15,1987, a disabled excluded employee who elects to use sick leave or other elective credits prior to receiving Nonindustrial Disability Insurance benefits is not required to exhaust the leave.


Note: Authority cited: Sections 3539.5, 18502 and 19815.4(d), Government Code. Reference: Section 19880, Government Code.
1. New section filed by Department of Personnel Administration with the Secretary of State on 12-11-87, operative 12-11-87. submitted to OAL for printing only pursuant to Government Code section 11343.8 (Register 88, No. 4).
2. Change without regulatory effect amending section heading, section, and Note filed 6-29-92 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 92, No. 27).
3. Editorial correction of Authority cite (Register 95, No. 5).
4. Change without regulatory effect amending first paragraph and Note filed 10-13-2014 pursuant to section 100, title 1, California Code of Regulations (Register 2014, No. 42).
This database is current through 8/23/24 Register 2024, No. 34.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 2, § 599.777, 2 CA ADC § 599.777
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