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§ 28500. Naturally Occurring Levels of Lead in Candy

27 CA ADC § 28500Barclays Official California Code of Regulations

Barclays California Code of Regulations
Title 27. Environmental Protection
Division 4. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
Chapter 3. Naturally Occurring Levels of Lead in Candy
27 CCR § 28500
§ 28500. Naturally Occurring Levels of Lead in Candy
For purposes of Health and Safety Code section 110552(c)(3), the following levels of lead in candy are deemed by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment to be naturally occurring:
Type of Candy
Naturally-Occurring Level (parts per million)
Candies flavored with chili and/or tamarind (excluding chocolates)
0.02 ppm


Note: Authority cited: Section 110552(c)(3), Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 110552(b) and 110552(c)(1), Health and Safety Code.
1. New chapter 3 (section 28500) and section filed 9-22-2021; operative 9-22-2022 pursuant to Government Code section 11343.4(b)(3) (Register 2021, No. 39). Filing deadline specified in Government Code section 11349.3(a) extended 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-40-20 and an additional 60 calendar days pursuant to Executive Order N-71-20.
This database is current through 8/30/24 Register 2024, No. 35.
Cal. Admin. Code tit. 27, § 28500, 27 CA ADC § 28500
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