Title 26. Toxics
- Division 1. State Lands Commission [Removed] (Title 2)
- Division 2. Department of Food and Agriculture [Removed] (Title 3)
- Division 3. Bureau of Home Furnishings [Removed] (Title 4)
- Division 4. California Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Cal/OSHA) [Removed] (Title 8)
- Division 5. Insurance Commissioner [Removed] (Title 10)
- Division 5.1. Department of Motor Vehicles [Removed] (Title 13)
- Division 6. California Highway Patrol [Removed] (Title 13)
- Division 7. Air Resources Board [Removed] (Title 13)
- Division 8. Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Title 14)
- Division 9. Department of Conservation—Division of Oil and Gas [Removed] (Title 14)
- Division 10. Department of Parks and Recreation [Removed] (Title 14)
- Division 10.1. Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery [Removed] (Title 14)
- Division 11. State Board of Fabric Care [Repealed] (Title 16)
- Division 12. Board of Barbering and Cosmetology [Removed] (Title 16)
- Division 13. Cemetery and Funeral Bureau [Removed] (Title 16)
- Division 14. Board of Pharmacy [Removed] (Title 16)
- Division 15. Structural Pest Control Board [Removed] (Title 16)
- Division 16. Bureau of Automotive Repair [Removed] (Title 16)
- Division 17. Department of Public Health [Removed] (Title 17)
- Division 18. Air Resources Board [Removed] (Title 17)
- Division 18.1. State Board of Equalization [Removed] (Title 18)
- Division 19. State Fire Marshal [Removed] (Title 19)
- Division 19.1. Office of Emergency Services [Removed] (Title 19)
- Division 20. State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission [Removed] (Title 20)
- Division 21. Department of Transportation [Removed] (Title 21)
- Division 21.5. Health and Welfare Agency [Removed] (Title 22)
- Division 22. Department of Public Health [Removed] (Title 22)
- Division 23. State Water Resources Control Board [Removed] (Title 23)
- Division 27. Environmental Protection Agency [Removed] (Title 27)