Chapter 3. Community Services
- Subchapter 1. General
- Subchapter 2. Vendorization
- Subchapter 3. Regional Center Administrative Practices and Procedures
- Subchapter 3.5. Regional Center Budget Deficit Controls [Repealed]
- Subchapter 4. Residential Services and Quality Assurance Regulations
- Subchapter 4.1. Family Home Agency (FHA) Regulations
- Subchapter 4.2. Intermediate Care Facility (Icf); Intermediate Care Facility/Developmentally Disabled (Icf/DD); Intermediate Care Facility/Developmentally Disabled-Habilitative (Icf/DD-H); Intermediate Care Facility/Developmentally Disabled-Nursing (Icf/DD-N); Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Monitoring Requirements
- Subchapter 5. Standards for Nonresidential Services
- Subchapter 6. Ratesetting Procedures for Residential Services
- Subchapter 7. Nonresidential Service Vendor Rate-Setting Provisions
- Subchapter 8. Rate-Setting Procedures for Community-Based Day Programs
- Subchapter 9. Rate-Setting Methodology for Community-Based Day Programs
- Subchapter 10. Schedule of Payment Rates for Community-Based Day Programs
- Subchapter 11. Reporting Requirements for Community-Based Day Programs
- Subchapter 12. Rate Adjustments, Audit Adjustments and Rate Appeals for Community-Based Day Programs
- Subchapter 13. Rate-Setting Procedures for in-Home Respite Services Agency Vendors
- Subchapter 14. Rate-Setting Methodology for in-Home Respite Services Agency Vendors
- Subchapter 15. Schedule of Payment Rates for in-Home Respite Services Agency Vendors
- Subchapter 16. Reporting Requirements for in-Home Respite Services Agency Vendors
- Subchapter 17. Rate Adjustments, Audit Adjustments and Rate Appeals for in-Home Respite Services Agency Vendors
- Subchapter 18. Transportation Service
- Subchapter 19. Supported Living Service
- Subchapter 21. Habilitation Services Program
- Subchapter 22. Participant-Directed Services
- Subchapter 23. Community Crisis Homes
- Subchapter 24. Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes