Article 14. Assumption Program of Loans for Education
- § 30701. Definitions.
- § 30702. Application to Participate in the Program.
- § 30703. Allocation of Awards, Reallocation of Unutilized Allocations, and Cancellation of Invalid Awards.
- § 30704. The APLE Institutional Agreement, Nominations by an Eligible Institution, Participating District Intern Program Office, Eligible School District, and County Offices of Education and the Renewal Verification Report.
- § 30705. Award Process.
- § 30706. Loan Assumption Agreements.
- § 30707. Loan Payments.
- § 30708. Failure to Comply with the Loan Assumption Agreement.
- § 30709. Development of Projections for Funding Purposes.
- Attachment A.1
- Attachment A.2
- Attachment A.3
- Attachment A.4
- Attachment A.5
- Attachment A.6
- Attachment B.1
- Attachment B.2
- Attachment B.3
- Attachment C.1
- Attachment C.2
- Attachment C.3
- Attachment C.4
- Attachment C.5
- Attachment C.6
- Attachment D