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Rule 417. Setting Aside an Adoption

Arizona Revised Statutes AnnotatedRules of Procedure for the Juvenile CourtEffective: July 1, 2022

Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated
Rules of Procedure for the Juvenile Court (Refs & Annos)
Part IV. Adoptions
2. Adoption Proceedings
Effective: July 1, 2022
17B A.R.S. Juv.Ct.Rules of Proc., Rule 417
Formerly cited as AZ ST JUV CT Rule 85
Rule 417. Setting Aside an Adoption
(a) Motion to Set Aside. A person seeking to set aside a final order of adoption must file a motion to set aside the order within the time limits set by Rule 407(f).
(b) Appointment of a GAL. On a party's motion or the court's own initiative, the court may appoint a GAL for the child. If the court grants the motion to set aside, the GAL, if warranted, may file a dependency petition.
(c) Initial Hearing. The court must set an initial hearing no later than 10 days after the filing date and advise the parties of the date, time, and location of the initial hearing. At the initial hearing, the court must determine whether notice has been provided, and if so, the court must set a date for an evidentiary hearing no later than 30 days after the initial hearing. The court may set a mediation before that date. The court also must order that the parties exchange information as provided in Rule 406 no later than 15 days before the evidentiary hearing. The court may extend these time limits for good cause.
(d) Burden of Proof. The burden is on the person seeking to set aside the adoption to prove the allegations contained in the motion by clear and convincing evidence.
(e) Procedure. The court must consider evidence in the form of testimony and documents that have been admitted into evidence under Rule 104(b).
(f) Indian Child. After an adoption is final, the parent of an Indian child may withdraw consent to the adoption and petition the court to vacate the adoption decree on the ground that the consent was obtained through fraud or duress under ICWA ยง 1913. If the court finds that consent was obtained through fraud or duress, the court must vacate the decree and return the Indian child to the parent as soon as practicable. An adoption of an Indian child that has been effective for at least two years may not be invalidated unless otherwise permitted under state law. An Indian parent or custodian also may move to set aside an adoption for reasons other than fraud or duress, pursuant to Rule 407(f).
(g) Findings and Orders. The court must make its findings in a signed minute entry or order. The court must advise the parties of their right to appeal and, if court sets the adoption aside, it must enter orders concerning custody of the child. If ICWA applies, the court must make findings and enter orders pursuant to the standards and burdens of proof required under ICWA.


Added Dec. 8, 2021, effective July 1, 2022.
17B A. R. S. Juv. Ct. Rules of Proc., Rule 417, AZ ST JUV CT Rule 417
State Court Rules are current with amendments received through May 15, 2024. The Code of Judicial Administration is current with amendments received through May 15, 2024.
End of Document