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Form 12(a). Joint Report: Tier 2 Case

Arizona Revised Statutes AnnotatedRules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of ArizonaEffective: January 1, 2021

Arizona Revised Statutes Annotated
Rules of Civil Procedure for the Superior Courts of Arizona (Refs & Annos)
X. General Provisions
Effective: January 1, 2021
16 A.R.S. Rules of Civil Procedure, Form 12(a)
Form 12(a). Joint Report: Tier 2 Case
In the Superior Court of Arizona
__________ County
Case number
Joint Report
(Tier 2 case)
Assigned to:
The parties signing below certify that they have conferred in good faith, either in person or by telephone as required by Rule 7.1(h), about the matters set forth in Rule 16(b)(2) and (c)(3), and that this case is not subject to the mandatory arbitration provisions of Rule 72. With regard to matters upon which the parties could not agree, they have set forth their positions separately in item 13 below. The parties are submitting a Proposed Scheduling Order with this Joint Report. Each date in the Joint Report and in the Proposed Scheduling Order includes a calendar month, day, and year.
Optional Summary of Rule 16(b) Early Meeting (not to exceed 4 pages of text), split evenly between separate statements of the parties if they do not agree on the summary's contents:
1. Brief description of the case:
• If a claimant is seeking other than monetary damages, specify the relief sought
2. Current case status: Every defendant has been served or dismissed. yes no
• Every party who has not been defaulted has filed a responsive pleading. yes no
• Explanation of a “no” response to either of the above statements:
3. Amendments: A party anticipates filing an amendment to a pleading that will add a new party to the case: yes no
4. Settlement: The parties agree to engage in settlement discussions with a settlement judge assigned by the court, or a private mediator.
The parties will be ready for a settlement conference or a private mediation by __________.
If the parties will not engage in a settlement conference or a private mediation, state the reason(s):
5. Readiness: This case will be ready for trial by __________.
6. Jury:
• There is a right to a trial by jury. yes no
• If there is such a right, it has been waived by the parties. yes no
7. Length of trial: The estimated length of trial is ___ days.
8. Summary jury: The parties agree to a summary jury trial. yes no
9. Preference: This case is entitled to a preference for trial pursuant to the following statute or rule:
10. Special requirements: At a pretrial conference or at trial, a party will require disability accommodations (specify)
an interpreter (specify language)
11. Scheduling conference: The parties request a Rule 16(d) scheduling conference. yes no. If requested, the reasons for having a conference are
12. Other matters: Other matters that the parties wish to bring to the court's attention that may affect management of this case:
13. Items upon which the parties do not agree: The parties certify that they were unable in good faith to agree upon the following items, and the position of each party as to each item is as follows:
Dated this ___ day of __________, 20 ___.
For Plaintiff
For Defendant


Added Sept. 2, 2016, effective Jan. 1, 2017. Amended Aug. 31, 2017, effective July 1, 2018; Aug. 28, 2018, effective Jan. 1, 2019; Aug. 26, 2020, effective Jan. 1, 2021.
16 A. R. S. Rules Civ. Proc., Form 12(a), AZ ST RCP Form 12(a)
State Court Rules are current with amendments received through May 15, 2024. The Code of Judicial Administration is current with amendments received through May 15, 2024.
End of Document