Rule 4. Commission Meetings
Arizona Revised Statutes AnnotatedUniform Rules of Procedure for Commissions on Appellate and Trial Court Appointments
17C A.R.S. App. and Tr.Ct.Appointments Comm.Unif. Rules of Proc., Rule 4
Formerly cited as AZ ST A AND TRIAL CT APPT 5
Rule 4. Commission Meetings
a. Meetings of a Commission may be called by the Chair or a majority of Commissioners by written notice to the entire Commission specifying the time and place of meeting. Such notice shall be posted on the Commission's website at least seven (7) calendar days before the meeting date, except that an emergency meeting may be held on shorter notice if the Chair or a majority of Commissioners conclude it is essential to hold an emergency meeting. The right to notice of a meeting may be waived by any Commissioner either before or after the meeting takes place. Attendance at a meeting by any Commissioner shall constitute a waiver of such notice unless the Commissioners, at or promptly after the beginning of such meeting, objects to the holding of the meeting on the ground of lack of, or insufficiency of, notice.
b. All Commissioners are strongly encouraged to attend every meeting in person. The Constitutional deadline for submitting nominations to the Governor requires that meetings be held as scheduled. In extenuating circumstances, the Chair may permit a Commissioner to attend and vote in an administrative meeting or in a screening meeting via telephone, video conferencing, or similar means. With the exception described in this subsection, a Commissioner shall not participate in applicant interviews or vote on nominations through electronic means. If the Commission would otherwise be unable to obtain a quorum for scheduled interviews, thereby risking the Commission's ability to meet the 60-day Constitutional deadline for submitting nominations to the Governor, the Chair may allow a Commissioner to participate in applicant interviews and vote on nominations through electronic means. A member who attends electronically accepts the risk that technical problems could disrupt participation.
d. Notice of all Commission meetings other than emergency meetings shall be posted to the Commission's website at least seven (7) calendar days before the meeting. The notice shall state the date, time and specific location of the meeting. Each Commission shall provide notice as reasonable and practicable.
2. Reviewing Commission actions during the preceding years. This review shall include a presentation of statistical information about applications, nominations and appointments relative to the Constitutional goal of diversity and such other matters as the Commission deems appropriate. Such statistics shall be compiled from information obtained in the applications.
Added on an expedited basis Dec. 14, 2016, effective Dec. 14, 2016. Added on a permanent basis April 27, 2017, effective April 27, 2017.
17C A. R. S. App. and Tr.Ct.Appointments Comm.Unif. Rules of Proc., Rule 4, AZ ST A AND TRIAL CT APPT Rule 4
State Court Rules are current with amendments received through August 15, 2024. The Code of Judicial Administration is current with amendments received through August 1, 2024.
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