Canon 3. A Judge Shall Conduct the Judge's Extrajudicial Activities to Minimize the Risk of Conflict with the Obligations of Judicial Office
AZ ST S CT Rule 81 Cjc VII. Judicial Ethics, R. 81, Canon 3, Refs & Annos
Rule 3.1. Extrajudicial Activities in General
Rule 3.2. Appearances Before Governmental Bodies and Consultation with Government Officials
Rule 3.3. Acting as a Character Witness
Rule 3.4. Appointments to Governmental Positions
Rule 3.5. Use of Nonpublic Information
Rule 3.6. Affiliation with Discriminatory Organizations
Rule 3.7. Participation in Educational, Religious, Charitable, Fraternal, or CIVIC Organizations and Activities
Rule 3.8. Appointments to Fiduciary Positions
Rule 3.9. Service as Arbitrator or Mediator
Rule 3.10. Practice of Law
Rule 3.11. Financial, Business, or Remunerative Activities
Rule 3.12. Compensation for Extrajudicial Activities
Rule 3.13. Acceptance and Reporting of Gifts, Loans, Bequests, Benefits, or Other Things of Value
Rule 3.14. Reimbursement of Expenses and Waivers of Fees or Charges
Rule 3.15. Financial Reporting Requirements
Rule 3.16. Conducting Weddings