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006.02.0-2. Unofficial Local Option Election Status.

AR ADC 006.02.0-2Arkansas Administrative Code

West's Arkansas Administrative Code
Title 006. Department of Finance and Administration
Division 02. Alcoholic Beverage Control
Rule 0. Introduction
Ark. Admin. Code 006.02.0-2
006.02.0-2. Unofficial Local Option Election Status.
The above map represents the unofficial “wet-dry” status of the counties in Arkansas. In a wet county, the retail sale and manufacture of alcoholic beverages in legal. In dry counties, only a private club permit may be issued. Most of the wet counties have dry areas within their borders such as townships or cities. These counties are designated on the map above by the county name being underlined; the respective dry areas in those counties are listed on the following page. Local option elections may be held during November General Elections pursuant to petition. Second and third level elections involving the public sale of liquor by the glass are not shown on this map. The official local option status of an area may be determined by reviewing records at a local County Clerk's office.
Current with amendments received through May 15, 2024. Some sections may be more current, see credit for details.
Ark. Admin. Code 006.02.0-2, AR ADC 006.02.0-2
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