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AMI 3502 Closing Instructions—Additional Cautionary Instructions

Arkansas Supreme Court Committee On Jury Instructions-Civil

Ark. Model Jury Instr., Civil AMI 3502
Arkansas Model Jury Instructions-Civil
December 2023 Update
Arkansas Supreme Court Committee On Jury Instructions-Civil
Chapter 35. Closing Instructions
AMI 3502 Closing Instructions—Additional Cautionary Instructions
Remember what the Basic Rule I have given you means:
Do not talk in person or by telephone or communicate with anyone except each other in any way, including through Electronic Devices such as cell phones, iPhones, Smartphones, Blackberries, PDAs, iPads, computers, and other electronic devices. Do not use them to talk, send or receive text messages, send or receive email, participate in or read a chat room or discussion list, post updates to a website or to social media such as Facebook or MySpace, to blog, to “Tweet” on Twitter, or to communicate through any other Internet-based or other electronic means at all.
Do not share information about the case or the people or places involved with anyone else through any means. And do not allow anyone else to share with you any such information. Do not ask anyone for advice or information about this case. Do not let anyone outside the courtroom communicate to you about the case or the people or places involved. If someone tries to communicate anything to you by any means about the case or the people or places involved, notify court personnel.
Do not read any news stories or articles about the case or the people or places involved, whether in print or any electronic form. Do not listen to any radio or television or online reports or Podcasts about the case.
Do not search the Internet, such as through Google or on Wikipedia, to find out anything about this case or the people or places involved. Do not do research in a library. Do not read newspapers or online news sources, watch television or online services, or listen to the radio or online sources, or use any electronic device to gather information, to get definitions, or to conduct any other research at all about this case.
Do not visit the places involved in the case or use the Internet, such as Google Earth, to look at the places involved or at maps, descriptions, or pictures.
This reminder of the cautionary instructions may be given in the court’s discretion after a lengthy trial.
End of Document